Half and difficult breathing

This is breathing when half of the lung is damaged, and the other half is healthy, so the breathing is half healthy.

This is the kind of breathing when it is difficult to expend air, no matter whether there is constriction or no constriction; the cause of it is damage to the respiratory system, as was said when mentioning other respiratory disorders. Sometimes it occurs from a fiery blaze that overcomes the heart, or from cold, which kills the driving force or damages it. This happens in those suffering from cold in the abdominal barrier as a result of cooling it with ointment or something else. This sometimes happens due to blockage of the passage: the inhaled wind is delayed in the passage and is forced to make an effort to make it open; it is the opposite of shortness of breath. The blockage is sometimes from a tumor, and sometimes from juice.

Difficulty in breathing, which comes from a disorder of the nature, does not always arise from a disorder of the nature of the lungs; no, it sometimes occurs due to a disorder that has befallen the thoraco-abdominal obstruction, for example, from cold air or from a cold medicinal bandage applied due to a disease of the obstruction itself, a disease of the stomach or liver, and preventing it from moving. Sometimes difficulty breathing occurs from a laxative medicine that raised the juice, but did not remove it, or from an acute enema, after which it did not relieve, and also if bloodletting during pleurisy was less than necessary. You should also read here what we wrote at the end of our discussion about shortness of breath.