Pharmacy (Dispensary)

A pharmacy (dispensary) is a room where, as prescribed by a doctor, pharmacists prepare medications and then dispense them to patients. Pharmacies are often located at hospitals, being part of them. At the pharmacy you can purchase various medications - tablets, ointments, syrups, drops and much more. Pharmacists advise visitors on the rules for taking and storing medications. They can also make some medicines individually according to doctors' prescriptions. Pharmacies play an important role in the healthcare system, providing the population with necessary medicines.

Pharmacies are premises intended for the manufacture of medicines prescribed by doctors and dispensing them to patients. They are often located at hospitals and are part of them. Pharmacists employ pharmacists who prepare medications and dispense them to patients according to a doctor's prescription.

A pharmacy is a specialized room that contains all the necessary materials and equipment for the production of medicines. On the walls of the pharmacy you can see various posters with information about medications, as well as instructions for their use.

The pharmacy employs pharmacists - specialists with higher medical education and special training. They have knowledge about the composition and effect of medications, as well as the rules for their use. Pharmacists must be careful and responsible to avoid errors in the preparation of medications and ensure the safety of patients.

In addition, the pharmacy always has a supply of necessary medications that patients may need. Here you can also get advice from a doctor about the choice of medications and their dosage.

Thus, the pharmacy is an important element of health care and helps patients obtain the necessary medications to treat their illnesses.


A pharmacy is a specialized institution that sells medicines, medical products, dietary supplements, etc. Any visitor to a pharmacy can count on receiving qualified advice from a pharmacist or pharmacist, as well as a wide range of goods and services. Depending on the territorial location, pharmacies can be large federal or small regional chains that operate on franchising principles. Sometimes pharmacies are united into pharmacy chains or groups of companies. So, a pharmacy (dispensary from English) usually consists of the following structures: a service hall, a laboratory, a warehouse and sanitary facilities. The pharmacy hall is the main and central department of the pharmacy. Here you can find ready-to-dispense medications, medical and laboratory devices, and medical instruments. Also in the service hall the sale of finished medicines, elixirs, tinctures, pharmacological semi-finished products (components, pastes), dry medicinal extracts, ready-made inhalation solutions and medical products is taken into account. Typically, the staff currently employs highly qualified personnel with medical education and significant experience in the field. There are the following main types of pharmacies: production, wholesale, retail. After manufacturing, the medicine must be properly stored and provided to the buyer in full. Therefore, even the smallest first aid kit requires a room equipped with special equipment for pharmaceutical and laboratory activities. Modern pharmacies operate on the basis of a wide range of legislation aimed at regulating the activities of pharmacies, including regulating access to premises. The main provisions are the Instructions of the Ministry of Health on the “procedure for providing premises for the production of prescription drugs.” The regulations stipulate the provision of premises for the production and storage of medicines, especially medicines of great national importance. The pharmaceutical activities of a pharmacy must comply with the current legislation. According to the Federal Law of April 12, 2010 No. 61-FZ (as amended on December 27, 2009) “On the Circulation of Medicines,” a pharmacy organization is a legal entity. From July 5, 2021, a new Procedure for issuing permission to carry out pharmaceutical activities in the field of circulation of medicines for medical use, the circulation of which is limited in the Russian Federation, was introduced, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 5, 2013 No. 476. The process of issuing the necessary permits consists of , first from the examination. The list of documents submitted by pharmacy organizations for the issuance of a Permit is established by the specified order. For the first time, the Order defined specific requirements for pharmacy design procedures. The need to analyze all parameters associated with the characteristics of the building and operating conditions made it possible to establish that design procedures should