Bronchial Tree

The Bronchial Tree is a system of bronchi that carries air from the trachea to the lungs. It includes the following elements:

  1. Main bronchi - depart from the trachea and enter the lungs, dividing into the right and left main bronchus.

  2. Lobar bronchi - each main bronchus is divided into two lobar bronchi, one for each lung.

  3. Segmental bronchi - lobar bronchi branch into segmental bronchi, which usually range from 2 to 5.

  4. Subsegmental bronchi - segmental bronchi are divided into smaller subsegmental bronchi, there are 9 to 10 generations of such bronchi.

  5. Bronchioles are the last branches of the bronchial tree and include lobular, terminal and respiratory bronchioles.

Thus, the bronchial tree is a branched system of bronchi and bronchioles, through which air from the trachea enters the alveoli of the lungs.

The Bronchial Tree is a system of bronchi that transports air from the trachea to the lungs. Including the main bronchi, lobar bronchi, segmental bronchi, subsegmental bronchi and bronchioles, the Bronchial tree consists of 9-10 successive generations of bronchi.

The main bronchi begin at the base of the trachea and gradually branch into two parts, which in turn branch further into lobar bronchi, which in turn are divided into segmental bronchi. The subsegmental bronchi, in turn, branch from the segmental bronchi and are further divided into bronchioles.

Bronchioles, in turn, are divided into three types: lobular, terminal and respiratory. Lobular bronchioles have a diameter of about 0.5 mm and branch into terminal bronchioles, which have a diameter of about 0.2 mm. Respiratory bronchioles - the smallest branches of the Bronchial tree - have a diameter of about 0.1 mm and end in alveoli, where gas exchange occurs.

Tree Bronchialis is a key component of the human respiratory system and plays an important role in maintaining normal respiratory function. The bronchi and bronchioles have many small branches that help distribute air throughout the lung volume, providing sufficient oxygen to tissues and organs, as well as removing carbon dioxide from the body.

However, the Bronchial tree can also become the site of various diseases, such as bronchitis and asthma. When such diseases are present, the respiratory system may not function properly, which can lead to oxygen deprivation and other serious health problems.

Overall, the Bronchial tree is an important element of the respiratory system, which plays a key role in providing our body with oxygen and removing carbon dioxide. Understanding its structure and function helps us better understand the processes occurring inside our body and take steps to maintain a healthy respiratory system.

The bronchial tree is a complex anatomical system of the human lungs; it is called a tree because its structure resembles the crown of a tree.

Through the trachea (windpipe), air enters the left (right) half of the mediastinum and then into the left (right) lung, but first into the bronchial tree. Each branch of the right and left lungs has its own bronchial compartment, as well as branches that are located under each lung in the form of bronchi. One part of the bronchial tree consists of the main bronchi (main bronchus), which are called lobar branches, connecting to the head end. Other parts of the bronchial tree start from the lobar end of the lobar passages and are called segmental endings (total of 10-11 segmental branches), and they branch into subsegments (total of about 50-60 subsegmental branches). The smallest branch of the bronchial tree is called the bronchiole (sometimes it is defined as an even smaller branch - the terminal bronchiole). Terminal bronchioles are located at the end of the bronchial tree at a depth of 2.5 cm. This part is called terminal bronchioles. They are divided into even smaller alveolar bronchioles. The number of alveoli in the alveolar bronchioles ranges from 0 to 30.

Roughly speaking, the bronchial tree consists of 15-20 main branches, 40-80 segmental branches and 600 small terminal branches, forming 20,000