Treatment of tympanic hydrocele

The rule in its treatment is to remove liquid juice, if this juice, being locked, causes bloating. Sometimes it is necessary to remove aqueous humor and make a puncture, as in case of waterskin, and also to strengthen the stomach if the cause of the disease is its weakness, or to balance the nature of the liver with the help of ointments and other means so that the formation of vapors does not become excessive. Bloodletting is not included in this class of remedies, except in rare cases, and it is better to loosen the nature carefully, but one should not give too many laxatives. You should also use diuretics, without, however, going overboard, because excessive use of diuretics leads to abundant generation of vapors; They also use drugs that cause belching and dissolving winds. The patient's stomach is rubbed several times a day and it is steamed with millet and bran, if this helps him.

Pills that the patient drinks and suppositories inserted into the rectum are also useful, and sometimes it is necessary to apply empty jars to the stomach several times. Grains and vegetables should be avoided and milk and fresh fruits should be abstained. If tympanic dropsy is accompanied by a hot disorder of nature, then the patient should be given water, for example, the juice of fennel, celery, sweet clover, chamomile or Tribulus, and if tympanic dropsy occurs from a cold disorder of nature, then it is appropriate to drink cumin, anise, beaver stream, azhgon and force you to constantly chew cumin and incense. A medicinal porridge of calamus with nigella helps such a patient - it is mentioned in the Pharmacopoeia, as well as azhgon, juniper berries, cumin and rock salt. Substances introduced into the rectum: cumin, bavrac, rue leaves; Candles are also used from rue leaves. Enemas: from rue oil, alone or with seeds that drive out the winds.