An inflatable mattress is an item that is used to provide comfortable sleep and rest for people suffering from various diseases and in need of special care. It can be used to prevent bedsores and other complications associated with prolonged lying on the back.
Air mattresses are produced in a variety of sizes and shapes to suit the needs of each patient. They can be made from various materials such as foam, latex or synthetic fabrics.
One of the most popular manufacturers of inflatable mattresses is the Apex company from Taiwan. The company produces a wide range of nursing products, including air mattresses, pillows and other accessories.
When choosing an air mattress for a patient, you need to consider its size, shape and hardness. You should also pay attention to the material from which it is made, as some materials can cause allergic reactions.
In general, air mattresses are an indispensable tool for those who need special care and comfort during sleep and relaxation. They help prevent bedsores, improve sleep quality, and make your stay more comfortable in the hospital or at home.