Acacia - juice or gum of the Arabian acacia tree

This is the squeezed sap of the acacia tree, which is dried and then made into cakes. It is hot, but its pungency goes away only after washing, since it consists of two substances: one earthy and astringent and the other volatile; from the volatile, a burning sensation occurs, which disappears with washing. Thanks to its pungency, it penetrates deep into organs and cools them.

The best acacia is fragrant, dark green, heavy and hard.

Washed squeezed acacia juice is cold and dries in the second degree, and unwashed is cold in the first degree, while its dryness is within the second.

Actions and properties.
This medicine is an astringent that stops bleeding.

Akakiya darkens hair, improves complexion and helps against cracks that appear from cold.

Tumors and acne.
It helps against all the diseases mentioned in the chapter on myrtle, and also helps against nailworms. Together with egg white, it is applied to burns and hot tumors.

Tools with joints.
Akakija prevents the joints from relaxing.

Organs of the head.
Akakija helps against mouth ulcers.

Organs of the eyes.
Akakiya strengthens and sharpens vision. Only Egyptian acacia juice is good for the eyes. It calms inflammation and redness in the eye and is included in medications for pterygoid hymen.

Eruption organs.
Akakiya in the form of a drink, enema or medicinal bandage strengthens the nature, helps against abrasions in the intestines and bloody diarrhea, stops discharge from the uterus, corrects prolapse of the rectum and uterus and is beneficial in relaxing them.