
Akara - types and contents

Acaras are a detachment of blood-sucking beetles of the family Acaridae of the class Exopterygota. Acarids include about 95 families. Counted to genera, acarids are divided into more than 2 thousand species, and individual families fall into more than a hundred genera. Acarids can be, for example, mites. Some acarids have wings. Currently, about 48 thousand species are known. Of these, 7/10 are pests. In addition, there are mobile mites - acariozoa and non-cellular forms.

The name of the detachment originates from the Greek. ákaro tick, lat. Acaras mite. The scientist-historian L. Zigzauf from Berlin noted that the Latin name itself (Latin acarus; Latin - sharp; Ar. acre - tick) in ancient times had the meaning: terrible, evil, disgusting. By the way, to the ancient man. This is how this spider and its fellows were seen for a long time: at the sight of them, a person was seized with genuine horror. But during the Renaissance, the ancient Roman scientist Pliny the Elder (23–79) in his “Natural History” wrote about the possibility of distinguishing between ticks that feed on different substances. For example, parasitic acarids include vibriozoa, which feed on blood, and notozoa (jumping mites), with which people often keep pets. They also include false gravel and keloid scabies.

External structure:

Adults have jaws and chelicerae. As a rule, they have high, rectangular or rounded wings (less often grooved), antennae and bristles. The body of acarids is covered with bristles and brush-like organs - combs. Among them there is a peculiar group of red calfs in color. Pigmentation differs from weakly expressed or bright. The chitinous cover has a specific structure. It includes the microcrine - a fine hair net - along with the microtmel, endocell, exocellulum, mesothelium, epimerial membrane and ectodesma. The latter is represented by a thin sheet that ensures fastening of the shell to the surface of the body. It is usually homogeneous in some species and histolithic (reticulate). on his