Akriderm for facial wrinkles

Expression and age wrinkles on the forehead: how to smooth them out at home

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A woman’s most insidious enemy, which reveals her age, is wrinkles on her face. Skin folds in the forehead area are especially unpleasant. Wanting to restore the elasticity of their dermis, beautiful ladies resort to all sorts of salon rejuvenating procedures, buy expensive creams, tonics and other care products.

Unfortunately, all this most often gives only temporary results. Few people think that deep wrinkles on the forehead can be removed at home. Such methods are no less effective, but safer for women's skin. In addition, before you fight the signs, you need to understand what type of skin aging we have, and why the withering began ahead of time.

Causes of wrinkles in the forehead area

  1. Of course, the main reason for the appearance of wrinkles on the forehead is aging and fading of the skin. Dermal cells produce collagen worse, as a result the face loses its elasticity.
  2. Wrinkles on the forehead do not always appear due to age. Some people are overly emotional, she has a habit of squinting when expressing her facial expressions. As a result, skin folds appear on the forehead and between the eyebrows at an early age.
  3. Active smoking, frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages - all this negatively affects the condition of the epidermis. The skin fades prematurely, and deep expression wrinkles appear on the forehead.
  4. Frequent stress, frustration and anxiety - these factors can also be attributed to the reasons for the appearance of early signs of aging of the dermis.
  5. An improperly structured diet negatively affects the general condition of the body and the skin. If a person does not get enough vitamins from food, his skin will not receive them either. As a result, pigmentation may appear on the face, it will lose its healthy shine, and deep wrinkles will form on the forehead.

Deep wrinkles in the forehead area do not always appear due to a person’s poor lifestyle. It is possible that the individual lives in an unfavorable environment. Sudden temperature changes, strong gusts of wind and aggressive sun also have an impact on the condition of the skin. If you don’t use moisturizers or make nourishing masks, wrinkles on your forehead won’t take long to appear.

How to smooth out forehead wrinkles at home with simple exercises

Anti-wrinkle exercises should not be underestimated. The simple exercises presented can be performed daily at home. This forehead massage for wrinkles will smooth out skin folds and restore elasticity to the dermis. In addition, it can also be done to prevent the early appearance of wrinkles on the forehead. It is recommended to do the massage while standing in front of a mirror.

  1. Mentally place a dot in the middle above each eyebrow, and place the pads of your index fingers on them. Now you need to try to raise your eyebrows up as much as possible. Hold in this position for a few seconds, then relax your facial muscles. The number of repetitions of the exercise is 5-10 times.
  2. Starting position – lying on the sofa. The head must be positioned so that it “hangs” a little. The eyes open as wide as possible, while the eyebrows stretch upward. We hold the facial expression for 15 seconds, then you need to relax. The exercise is repeated several times.
  3. The palm is positioned on the forehead in such a way that it is convenient to slowly move the skin using your fingers (only along the hairline). This massage will be very beneficial for the dermis. Exercise will help relieve stress and fatigue after a hard day at work and relax. With regular massage, the deepest expression wrinkles in the forehead area will smooth out and become almost invisible.

The presented exercises are recommended to be done daily by all representatives of the fair sex over 25 years old. For those who have wrinkles on their forehead, they will help get rid of them. In other cases, massage will be an excellent prevention of early skin aging.

Important! It is recommended to perform exercises using coconut oil. This natural product is of great value for the skin.

Coconut oil contains a huge amount of useful vitamins that take care of the condition of the dermis. It softens the skin, evens out its tone and helps remove unpleasant expression wrinkles that appear in the forehead area. In addition, coconut oil maintains an optimal balance of moisture in cells, prevents drying out and protects against the aggressive effects of environmental factors.

Masks against wrinkles in the forehead area: simple homemade recipes

Not every woman thinks that there are many natural products around her at home that can be used to prepare a rejuvenating and wrinkle-smoothing mask. The recipes presented are very simple but effective. They will help get rid of signs of skin aging better than the most expensive drugstore cream.

Forehead wrinkle mask with honey and banana

You need to take half a medium banana and mash it with a fork until it becomes pureed so that there are no lumps left. Melt the honey first and add 2 tablespoons of the product to the overall consistency. The mixture should look like a thick paste after mixing. The product is distributed over the forehead and entire face, special attention is paid to areas where deep wrinkles accumulate.

The duration of the procedure is half an hour. After this time, the mixture must be rinsed off with warm water, and it is advisable to wipe the forehead with an ice cube to improve the rejuvenating effect of the mask.

Glycerin mask against deep expression wrinkles in the forehead area

For the recipe you need to prepare glycerin (purchased at any pharmacy) and liquid natural honey. The ingredients are taken in equal proportions. The resulting composition is distributed in a thin layer over the forehead. The procedure is done at night; you only need to wash off the mask in the morning. The recipe effectively smoothes deep wrinkles, prevents their further appearance and significantly improves skin tone.

Carrot vitamin remedy

It is necessary to grate the carrots on a fine grater so that they release more juice. Take 200 ml of this juice and add almond oil (1 tablespoon). The cream needs to be kept in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours so that it “settles”. After this, the mass is distributed over the skin and left for 40 minutes.

This mask will make the dermis elastic and soft, like velvet. After 3-4 procedures the effect will be noticeable. Deep wrinkles in the forehead area will begin to smooth out little by little and will become less noticeable.

How to remove deep wrinkles on the forehead: radical measures

If persistent regular forehead massage and homemade anti-aging masks do not produce results, wrinkles can only be removed with the help of modern cosmetology. The procedures are quite expensive, but the results will not take long to arrive.

Botox (injections)

The cosmetologist injects a special preparation into the area of ​​greatest accumulation of wrinkles. The product “blocks” the nerve endings of the facial muscles; after 10-14 days, the folds on the forehead are smoothed out. Among the disadvantages of using Botox for wrinkles, in addition to its cost, the effect is short-lived. The result lasts for a year, then you need to inject again.


Blood plasma is taken from the patient and injected into the area of ​​the dermis where wrinkles have accumulated. The procedure allows the skin to produce collagen and hyaluronic acid, due to which unpleasant deep folds (both age-related and facial wrinkles) are removed. Unfortunately, plasma lifting is expensive, and every woman cannot afford it.

Before resorting to cosmetic methods to combat wrinkles, it is still worth trying folk methods - massage and homemade masks.

How to prevent wrinkles

In order not to think about how to get rid of deep skin folds in the forehead area at the age of 25, you can think about the condition of the dermis of the face in advance. By following the tips presented, a woman will prolong the youth of her skin.

  1. You need to drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day, always without gases. The human body needs fluid to function properly. Lack of water has a bad effect on the condition of the skin.
  2. Proper nutrition. Of course, there is no need to categorically give up your favorite treats. However, it is important that your diet includes fresh vegetables (greens) and fruits every day. Dairy products are also useful. A properly structured diet will allow the body to receive the necessary amount of nutrients, due to which the skin cells will also receive them. As a result, you won't have to worry about early wrinkles.
  3. At any time of the year you need to constantly use moisturizers. It is best to take children's ones - they are suitable for any skin and protect it from aggressive ultraviolet radiation. This will also help protect your dermis from deep early wrinkles. In the summer, you need to select special sun protection creams that match your skin type.
  4. Adequate rest is very important for a person. Lack of sleep weakens the body, resulting in a deterioration in overall health and the condition of the dermis. People who don't allow themselves to rest often develop deep wrinkles at age 25.
  5. If a person is overly emotional, he needs to learn to restrain his facial expressions. If you don’t do this, then no creams or masks will help get rid of wrinkles.

Wrinkles in the forehead are not the best decoration for a woman’s face. However, if they do appear, you should not despair. The presented useful tips, exercises and recipes for homemade masks will help restore elasticity and firmness to women's skin. The main thing is the regularity of procedures.

FINE AND DEEP WRINKLES, bags under the eyes and jowls, LOSS OF ELASTICITY AND OVAL OF THE FACE. Are you familiar with all this firsthand?

We recommend reading the article by professional cosmetologist E. D. Korchagina about how to get rid of even deep wrinkles in a short time WITHOUT EXPENSIVE PROCEDURES AND PLASTIC OPERATIONS.

It’s just a nightmare! (I stupidly started smearing Akriderm on my face, because it really helped, I probably used it for three weeks, and not every day! As soon as I stopped smearing it, my face turned red and it scared me and I didn’t stop smearing it , so I decided to endure this redness and now I have steroid acne and perioral dermatitis! I apply Metrogyl and take doxycycline and metronidazole and Lominal for allergies, am I doing everything right?

Woman.ru experts

Find out the opinion of an expert on your topic

Ekaterina Artemyeva

Psychologist, Clinical psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Elena Basanova

Psychologist, Family psychologist Skype. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Aleynikova Natalya Valerievna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Korotina Svetlana Yurievna

Psychotherapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Juran Marina Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Zubkova Anna Andreevna

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Khairullina Rosa Rinatovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Did a doctor diagnose you or did you do it yourself?

And why were you prescribed two antibiotics at once?

I diagnosed myself, because with such a face I’m ashamed to even go to the doctor

I think we need to check the blood for the presence of parasitic diseases, as well as the female sphere for the presence of hidden infections

I recently donated blood and I’m doing well, I don’t have any hidden infections either

Author, I was on acriderm for half a year! get off him, don't you dare smear it on your face anymore! You are doing everything right. But antibiotics won't hurt. I was prescribed tetracycline (500 mg morning/evening). Metrogil gel, Radevit cream (at night) and follow the diet (gray cereals and vegetables) Good luck to you.

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I'm not a medical worker. But I consulted with a dermatol, who has a lot of experience. In general, I agree with him. It is better to use antibiotics only when there is no improvement from external agents, and then after about 3 weeks. The fact that you have steroid dermatitis and, as a result, inflammation caused by the Demodex mite (healthy people also have it). So the body does not consider this inflammatory agent an infection. Therefore, when you take pills, the body does not understand who it needs to fight with, what kind of infection, and as a result, after this you will have even more rashes, you will develop an allergy to the pills. At this stage, only external agents and that’s it.

I didn't have anything like that

I use Akriderm GK for dermatitis and have never had any problems. I use it for a couple of days, everything goes away. Well, that's all, until next time, if there is one. My doctor recommended this cream to me and I like it.

I used it for 4 days, everything is ok

I use Akriderm GK for dermatitis and have never had any problems. I use it for a couple of days, everything goes away. Well, that's all, until next time, if there is one. My doctor recommended this cream to me and I like it.

I didn’t have any problems, I used it once and that’s it

I agree, I have allergic dermatitis, Akriderm GK helps very well. I didn’t notice any addiction, it always helps and the best part is that it happens in a short time. So I use it when necessary. Maybe you used it wrong somehow? Too much or something...

It happened exactly the same way for me(((I used it for 10 days, already on the seventh day I started to sprinkle with acne, but I finished covering those 10 days until the end(After Akriderm, I ended up having to smear it with Metrogyl regularly, because my whole face became red, inflamed and steroid acne((

Author, I was on acriderm for half a year! get off him, don't you dare smear it on your face anymore! You are doing everything right. But antibiotics won't hurt. I was prescribed tetracycline (500 mg morning/evening). Metrogil gel, Radevit cream (at night) and follow the diet (gray cereals and vegetables) Good luck to you.

What, excuse me, is it a shame to go to the doctor, but is it normal to smear and drink all sorts of medications? The doctor prescribed Akriderm GK for me, it helped me well, I had dermatitis. I didn’t apply anything other than it and didn’t take anything inside. I applied it in a thin layer and kept the affected area of ​​skin open for a long time so that the cream remained on the surface of the skin as long as possible and did not smudge. Let me clarify, this is the doctor who recommended Akriderm GK, I can’t say for everything, I had no experience of communication.

Exactly! Akriderm helped me, but as soon as I stopped applying it, the same thing happened! Now I'll go to the doctor! In my opinion, these are hormones (that’s what the cosmetologist with whom I do hair removal told me). You need to go get a full examination and donate blood for everything! In general, ***, comrades!

It’s not clear why the face turned red, if you’re allergic to apples, for example, then if you smear yourself and then eat apples again, it will come back constantly. I have an allergy to peanuts, sometimes it happens that if I accidentally eat something with peanuts, I get a rash on my face, Akriderm GK clears everything up in one fell swoop and without consequences. Dig for the reason.

I agree, you removed all the consequences with Acriderm GK, and then, due to exposure to the allergen, you got the same thing again. Go get allergy tests and make an appointment with a good specialist. Although acriderm contains hormones, it does not have a systemic effect. The dose of the hormone there is minimal. But the product is effective and helps many.

Author, I was on acriderm for half a year! get off him, don't you dare smear it on your face anymore! You are doing everything right. But antibiotics won't hurt. I was prescribed tetracycline (500 mg morning/evening). Metrogil gel, Radevit cream (at night) and follow the diet (gray cereals and vegetables) Good luck to you.

It happened exactly the same way for me(((I used it for 10 days, already on the seventh day I started to sprinkle with acne, but I finished covering those 10 days until the end(After Akriderm, I ended up having to smear it with Metrogyl regularly, because my whole face became red, inflamed and steroid acne((

Alena, tell me, did you take tetracycline or smear it on your face?
I have the same problem, it's terrible(
I no longer know what to do and how to cure what acriderm led to..

Alena, tell me, did you take tetracycline or smear it on your face?
I have the same problem, it's terrible(
I no longer know what to do and how to cure what acriderm led to..

I cured my eczema with Akriderm GK cream, but I still need to consult a doctor about my face. In general, it is hormonal, yes, but there is a minimum dose and it’s all external.

Do not even think about using Akriderm GC on your face. Even if used as prescribed, it can cause perioral dermatitis. And here, in addition to ointments such as Metrogil, Rozamet, it is necessary to take 2 types of antibiotics for 10 days each. It is also necessary to avoid skin contact with water. And of course, visiting a dermatologist and getting tested is mandatory. And if your dermatologist prescribes just another hormonal ointment instead, run away from him!

Hello! I want to share my story maybe it will help someone.
About 2-2.6 years ago I developed an allergy, I went to the doctor, she prescribed Akriderm cream for me and I smeared it on it and everything became normal, and I don’t even remember how, but I started using it like I smeared my face with regular cream. As a result, I used it for 2 years and then decided to stop using it, but that was not the case. As soon as I stopped using it, redness appeared on my face, I thought, okay, I’ll apply it again, then I stopped using it again, again the same story, then I just read that it turns out to be hormonal and addictive. I decided to endure it, I thought it would turn red and go away on its own, but on the 4th day without this cream I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror, it was terrible! My whole face was red, swollen, covered in white spots and itchy. I was admitted to the hospital, they smeared me with Metrogyl gel and took metronidazole tablets for about a month, I was treated with this and it seemed that everything had almost gone away, but then it became inflamed again and these medications no longer helped. And then they prescribed me a tablet. Drink Cetrin for 10 days, take Fluconazole canon capsules for 30 days and apply Mal “elokom” for 10 days (it’s hormonal) and this helped a lot, but again, it didn’t take long after I stopped smearing and redness appeared. I tried to apply baby cream with a calming effect - it was useless. Recently I was surfing the Internet and came across Solcoseryl ointment and decided to try it. It is not cheap, almost 600 rubles. But I smear it on the second day and see a very good result, my face has become much better, it is not hormonal, so you can smear it until complete healing, there is only a slight itching, but this is bullshit
I'll use it for now, then I'll write how it ended. I hope I helped someone with this post. Take care of yourself!

Hello everyone! I’m 37 years old, I’ve been on hormonal ointments since I was 20.. the diagnosis is psoriasis!! Which I already strongly doubt ((I haven’t had any spots on my body for four years now, they went away on their own.. and there were no spots on my elbows at all in the entire history of my illness (the doctor at the maternity hospital said there are no spots on the elbow - THIS IS NOT PSORIASIS!!) Okay, that’s not what we’re talking about. About three years ago I decided to get off hormonal therapy.. My face didn’t swell, thank God! But since then I’ve been TOMATO WITH COUPEROSIS! !What have I tried... expensive creams, and medicines, and lotions... I went to flash photography, it didn’t help.. Later I found out that such procedures cannot be carried out if there has ever been a hormone on the face! But, two or three I still smeared a spot on my face with hormones, but only pointwise. And not before, all over my face!! In general, today I’m tired. I smeared Boro plus green and gently applied Akriderm on top. Naturally, after three hours I’m already white. The tomato is gone. I don’t know, What will I do next? I’ll try mixing Akriderm with face cream and rubbing it with chamomile and making lotions as often as possible!! I’m tired of going red. If 17 years ago I would have known what the consequences would be, I would NEVER agree to hormonal ointments.

Hello everyone! I’m 37 years old, I’ve been on hormonal ointments since I was 20.. the diagnosis is psoriasis!! Which I already strongly doubt ((I haven’t had any spots on my body for four years now, they went away on their own.. and there were no spots on my elbows at all in the entire history of my illness (the doctor at the maternity hospital said there are no spots on the elbow - THIS IS NOT PSORIASIS!!) Okay, that’s not what we’re talking about. About three years ago I decided to get off hormonal therapy.. My face didn’t swell, thank God! But since then I’ve been TOMATO WITH COUPEROSIS! !What have I tried... expensive creams, and medicines, and lotions... I went to flash photography, it didn’t help.. Later I found out that such procedures cannot be carried out if there has ever been a hormone on the face! But, two or three I still smeared a spot on my face with hormones, but only pointwise. And not before, all over my face!! In general, today I’m tired. I smeared Boro plus green and gently applied Akriderm on top. Naturally, after three hours I’m already white. The tomato is gone. I don’t know, What will I do next? I’ll try mixing Akriderm with face cream and rubbing it with chamomile and making lotions as often as possible!! I’m tired of going red. If 17 years ago I would have known what the consequences would be, I would NEVER agree to hormonal ointments.

Your problem is that you diagnose yourself and prescribe treatment yourself! There are sores when ab is not needed, but sometimes it is necessary, and so with any drug. I treated eczema with Akriderm GK, so my course was only 7 days. It contains an antibiotic, an antifungal, and betamethasone. It relieves itching and redness from the first use.

I agree, I have allergic dermatitis, Akriderm GK helps very well. I didn’t notice any addiction, it always helps and the best part is that it happens in a short time. So I use it when necessary. Maybe you used it wrong somehow? Too much or something...

Hello! I want to share my story maybe it will help someone.
About 2-2.6 years ago I developed an allergy, I went to the doctor, she prescribed Akriderm cream for me and I smeared it on it and everything became normal, and I don’t even remember how, but I started using it like I smeared my face with regular cream. As a result, I used it for 2 years and then decided to stop using it, but that was not the case. As soon as I stopped using it, redness appeared on my face, I thought, okay, I’ll apply it again, then I stopped using it again, again the same story, then I just read that it turns out to be hormonal and addictive. I decided to endure it, I thought it would turn red and go away on its own, but on the 4th day without this cream I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror, it was terrible! My whole face was red, swollen, covered in white spots and itchy. I was admitted to the hospital, they smeared me with Metrogyl gel and took metronidazole tablets for about a month, I was treated with this and it seemed that everything had almost gone away, but then it became inflamed again and these medications no longer helped. And then they prescribed me a tablet. Drink Cetrin for 10 days, take Fluconazole canon capsules for 30 days and apply Mal “elokom” for 10 days (it’s hormonal) and this helped a lot, but again, it didn’t take long after I stopped smearing and redness appeared. I tried to apply baby cream with a calming effect - it was useless. Recently I was surfing the Internet and came across Solcoseryl ointment and decided to try it. It is not cheap, almost 600 rubles. But I smear it on the second day and see a very good result, my face has become much better, it is not hormonal, so you can smear it until complete healing, there is only a slight itching, but this is bullshit
I'll use it for now, then I'll write how it ended. I hope I helped someone with this post. Take care of yourself!

Akriderm refers to products for the treatment of acne, acne, and pimples. Being a medicinal drug, its improper use can contribute to the deterioration of the current skin condition. That is why experts do not recommend using this drug without a special prescription from the attending physician. The main effect of Akriderm is to stop the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria that cause skin inflammation.

The main active ingredient is betamethasone, which has pronounced antiseptic and bactericidal properties. The product is available in small aluminum tubes of 15 or 30 grams. The white cream is intended for external use only. The product was developed by the leading Russian pharmaceutical company Akrikhin, which is one of the top 10 largest manufacturers in the domestic pharmaceutical industry.


The concentrated composition prevents the appearance of new rashes, but it is not able to rid the epidermis of existing formations. In this regard, the drug can bring a visible therapeutic effect only if it is used in combination with additional medications.

The active ingredient, as mentioned above, is betamethasone, which acts as a glucocorticoid hormone. This substance has a complex effect on the affected areas of the epithelium, ultimately demonstrating the following therapeutic effects:

  1. swelling of inflamed elements decreases due to the removal of fluid from the affected areas;
  2. the walls of blood vessels are strengthened;
  3. the development of new foci of rashes stops.

A pronounced drying and antibacterial effect is achieved due to the salicylic acid included in the composition. It helps remove the stratum corneum of the epithelium, resulting in intensive healing of the skin. Find out what Radevit cream helps with in this material.

The drug also contains excipients, such as:

  1. paraffin paraffin;
  2. propylene glycol;
  3. wax;
  4. liquid paraffin;
  5. water.

Today, pharmacies offer three types of the drug in the form of ointments and creams:

  1. Akriderm;
  2. Akriderm Genta;
  3. Akriderm GK.

In addition to the above products, there is also Akriderm SK, released in the form of an ointment for topical use. All Akriderm products are designed exclusively for external use.

Also find out about the effect of Metrogyl-gel against acne in the article.

  1. Akriderm (ointment and cream). The main active ingredient is betamethasone, but the ointment contains the component at a concentration of 0.05%, and the cream is available in two versions: 0.064% and 0.05%.
  1. Akriderm Ghent. Both forms of the drug are enriched with the same hormone content, amounting to 0.64 mg per 1 g of the drug. In addition to betamethasone, these drugs also contain gentamicin. This antibiotic suppresses the development of pathogenic microorganisms that provoke the formation of skin inflammation.
  2. Akriderm GK. Ointment and cream contain the same percentage of active ingredients. However, unlike previous varieties, Akriderm GC is based on clotrimazole. It has a pronounced antifungal effect, which prevents the synthesis of pathogenic acne pathogens.
  3. Akriderm SK ointment. Betamethasone also acts as an active substance. In addition to the hormone, the drug also contains salicylic acid, which promotes effective regeneration of the surface layers of the epidermis.

It will also be useful to learn about the effect of Elidel on dermatitis and other rashes here.

All varieties of Akriderm, despite the different composition and form of release, have an identical effect on the affected areas of the skin. They suppress the growth of bacteria and prevent the further occurrence of acne.


All presented forms of the drug demonstrate a number of general therapeutic effects, and also have some additional properties that depend on the type of drug. The hormone betamethasone stops the inflammatory reaction of the skin, relieves itching and redness.

Gentamicin is characterized by an antimicrobial effect, and clotrimazole is prescribed by specialists in cases of fungal infections. The keratolytic effect of salicylic acid is achieved due to its regenerating and exfoliating properties.

Try preparing a mask from Polysorb for rashes using the recipes collected here.

The main indications for which the doctor prescribes Akriderm are:

  1. dermatitis;
  2. eczema;
  3. sunburn;
  4. irritations caused by insect bites;
  5. psoriasis;
  6. itching of the skin;
  7. herpes;
  8. lichen.

For acne

The drug is not able to cope with severe acne alone, which is why Akriderm is prescribed in combination with additional anti-acne products. Sometimes it is alternated with Regetsin and similar drugs. The action of the ointment prevents the emergence of new foci of inflammation, and the drying and antiseptic effects help reduce the production of sebum. The concentrated composition penetrates into the deepest layers of the epidermis.

Self-use of the drug can disrupt the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands, thereby provoking a worsening of skin problems. Experts have also found that Akriderm can cause disruptions in the female menstrual cycle.


Before use, you should definitely consult with a competent dermatologist.

The drug is contraindicated if:

  1. you are pregnant or breastfeeding. During this period, a change occurs at the hormonal level, as a result of which the body’s protective functions are weakened;
  2. chicken pox was detected. The product will not help you get rid of inflammation caused by chickenpox, but will only worsen the skin condition;
  3. there are wounds, ulcers and open inflammations.

The drug is also contraindicated in infants under one year of age and people who have been diagnosed with rosacea. Find out about the features of using Dalex-acne gel for acne by following the link.

Instructions for use

Despite the fact that the cream penetrates deep into the skin, it must be applied at least twice a day. For the best effect, the drug is used in the morning after washing, and also in the evening before bed. A distinctive feature of the application is that the cream is applied to the facial skin in a thin layer, thoroughly rubbing the composition in a circular motion until the product is completely absorbed.

The further therapeutic effect depends on how intensively you rub the medicine. To treat the entire surface of your face, you will need one small “pea” of cream. The duration of the course depends on the initial condition of the skin. Typically, experts recommend using the drug for several weeks, after which treatment is stopped or extended, depending on the results of therapy.

For children

If the skin is dry, then it is necessary to give preference to a product in the form of an ointment. For inflammations that are characterized by a wet appearance of the lesion, Akriderm with a creamy texture is suitable. To make the composition more evenly applied to the skin, it can be mixed with regular baby cream. However, you should not combine the ointment with the cream, otherwise the product will separate during the mixing process. Akriderm in the form of a cream is suitable for this purpose. But it is safer to use products such as Sudocrem.

If overdose

An excessive layer of the product can cause disturbances in the pituitary-adrenal system of the body.

Ultimately, such pathologies lead to a deficiency of the adrenal cortex, which affects the general health of the patient.


  1. Betaspan. A synthetic drug that contains glucocorticosteroid hormone. It has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect on the affected areas of the skin, and also restores lipid and protein metabolism in the dermal tissues. Available in tablet form and in the form of a suspension for injection.
  2. Diprolene. The same hormone betamethasone acts as the active substance. The effect of the drug is similar to that of Akriderm. It has antiallergic, antiproliferative and anti-edematous properties. Designed for external therapy. A thin layer of the product is applied to the skin and the composition is rubbed until it is completely absorbed.


In this video, a dermatologist talks about the drug Akriderm and its analogues.