Acrocyanosis Chronic Anesthetic

There are several definitions of acrocyanosis. Let us present it according to the classification of the Research Institute of Maternal and Child Health Protection of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (2002): Acrocyanosis is a progressive bluish discoloration of the skin of the extremities and face in the area of ​​​​non-pigmented tissues (fingers, palms, head, lips, tip of the nose).

**Acrocyanosis**: a disease resulting from various causes leading to excessive blood filling of the superficial vessels of the blood vessels. Some facts! Even the cry of a baby can be the “last straw.” Acros has a pale gray skin color, and due to the lack of sensitivity and “recession” of the subcutaneous fatty tissue, “ultraviolet radiation” increases. During the day, with every hour, the “temperature” of the skin may increase by several degrees. Against this background, the blue-red color of the skin gives the veins numerous dilated capillaries of small vessels located on the skin. Most often acro

Acrocyanosis is a rather narrow problem, because it concerns only the lower extremities and nose. The most typical localization of acrocyanosis (coloration of the tip of the nose, ears, fingers and toes) occurs in newborn infants as a natural process of adaptation to the environment. Congenital acrocyanosis manifests itself in newborns on the second or third day of life. Acrocyanos can be divided depending on the intensity of the process of staining the tip of the nail, skin and eyelids; by the content of aminolevulinic acid in tissues, determined by heredity and type of hemolysis; by the type of hemolysis, that is, the method of formation of errotropoietins from under-reduced fetal hemoglobins; and by the type of pathogenesis caused by the oxidation or reduction of blood albumins with the subsequent formation of porphyrins. According to clinical manifestations, two types of acrocyanosis are distinguished: chronic hypochromic melancholy and hyperchromic ichthyoid alopecia. If the acrocyanos does not disappear at all, it is called itstopic eleva

Acrocyanosis and chronic anesthetic.

Acrocyanosis is blue patches of skin on the face and other areas that appear due to spasm of arterioles. When arterioles narrow, the blood that should flow into them is retained in the capillaries. Because of this, oxygen starvation of tissues increases, and