Acroerythema Symmetrical Nonviform

Acroerythema symmetrical, or acroerythema not formed * (Acroerythemacheireos naevorum; Acro_ + eryth_=erythera) ** Causes of occurrence.** Occurs only in pregnant women - for example, during pregnancy and after childbirth. It can also occur after breastfeeding a child. Acrosis develops due to physical stress, high ambient temperature and stress.

** Description of the disease** Acroerythrosis is a painful formation of red spots on the face, especially in the cheeks, forehead and nose. Red spots may also appear on the neck, chest, arms and legs. They are caused by poor circulation and are observed in young women who usually suffer from migraines or palpitations. Sometimes redness is accompanied by itching, flaking of the skin, and thickening of the skin.