Acromelanosis Progressive

Acromelanoses - skin disease

**Acromelatosis**** (also known as melasma)** is a skin condition that appears as brown or purple spots on the face and other parts of the body.\nThey are formed due to increased production of melanin in the skin, which intensifies

Acromelanosis progressive (from the Greek "akromelos" - black + "progress") is also known as furupigmentation - a disease caused by excessive or too strong exposure to ultraviolet radiation. This condition is observed only in people who have ever been in the sun.

In addition, acroanguitis can be a symptom of some diseases of the skin and subcutaneous fat. Acromelanosis is a focal skin lesion that occurs after hypothermia or stress. The cause of the disease can be various factors: diseases of internal organs, chronic stress, vitamin deficiency, hormonal disorders, etc.

The first sign indicating acromelanosis is the appearance of small pigmentation in the head, neck, shoulders and elbows. Small spots then develop into pigment halos, followed by coin-sized pigmented areas. Pigmentation is dark brown or gray in color and may persist on the skin