
Actinocardiography is a method that allows you to evaluate the electrical activity of the heart in real time. This method is based on recording the bioelectric potentials of the heart using electrodes that are placed on the surface of the patient's body.

Actinocardiography is used to diagnose various heart diseases, such as arrhythmias, blockades of the heart conduction system, coronary heart disease and others. It can also be used to assess the effectiveness of therapy and monitor the patient's condition during treatment.

The actinocardiography method allows you to obtain information about the heart rate, the amplitude of the waves and the intervals between them, as well as the presence of arrhythmias. This makes it possible to more accurately determine the cause of the disease and choose the most effective treatment method.

One of the main advantages of actinocardiography is its non-invasiveness. The patient does not need to undergo any invasive procedures such as cardiac catheterization or coronary angiography. In addition, the actinocardiography method is painless and does not require a long time to conduct the study.

However, like any other diagnostic method, actinocardiography has its limitations. For example, it does not assess the condition of the heart vessels and may be ineffective for some types of arrhythmias. Also, to obtain accurate results, it is necessary to correctly place the electrodes on the patient’s body and select the correct type of study.

In general, actinocardiography is an important method for diagnosing heart disease and provides important information about the condition of the heart in real time. However, before undertaking this study, you should consult with your doctor to ensure that it is safe and effective for your particular patient.

ActinoCardiogram: stories from the depths of the heart

Introduction In the last century, humanity was unable to fully understand and explain the nature of cardiovascular diseases. It seemed to researchers that the heart was a reliable mechanism that worked without interruption and could withstand many years of use. However, over time it became clear that this was not the case. Cardiovascular disease is one of the most common ailments that can lead to serious complications. So what is actinocardiography?

Actinocardiography is the study of the electrical activity of the heart using an electrocardiograph. Such a study takes place silently and is a special method of studying the human pulse, based on the continuous drawing of curves at points of electrical conductivity. As a result, an actinogram is obtained, when used, special waves are isolated - actinograms, which are recorded during the study. In addition, an important aspect of the study is the study of heart rhythm, which depends on many factors that can change the physiological characteristics of the body: physical activity, emotional stress, food consumption.

Based on the results of actinography, the doctor can determine the correctness of the heart rhythm and identify pathologies indicating a dysfunction of the heart muscles. Conductivity can be impaired for several reasons, such as overexertion of physical activity, fear, diseases of internal organs, nervous disorders, and injuries. Because of them