Actinomycosis Skin Tuberous-Pustular

Actinomycoma of the skin is an infectious disease caused by the pathogenic microorganism actinomycetes. The disease can occur on any part of the body, but in most cases it manifests itself on the skin, most often on the face and head.

Symptoms of the disease develop gradually; a person can seek medical help only after thickening or inflammation appears. The disease also occurs in mild and severe forms. Various rashes appear on the body, early symptoms go unnoticed. In such a situation, the process is complicated by the transition of the pathology to a chronic form, which is dangerous to human health.

Actinomycosis of the skin

**Actinomycosis (Actinomyces israelii)** is a chronic infectious and inflammatory skin disease characterized by multiple dense nodules, tubercles or cysts of varying sizes, most often located on the face or neck, as well as in the dermis and subcutaneous tissue.

The disease is caused by a diploid anaerobic bacillus, which parasitizes the skin of humans and animals. It is distinguished by the slow development of inflammatory changes, and therefore, upon examination, attention is drawn to the asymmetry of the location of skin folds, changes in their color, and cyanotic appearance. At the beginning of the process, dense nodules are detected by palpation, which are areas of skin hyperemia. With further development of the disease, a pathognomonic symptom is the appearance of tubercles and pustules that suppurate in the center. After healing, retracted scars form. The localization of rashes depends on the type of microflora; actinomycosis is characterized by “tropism in organs and systems,” that is, they are characterized by preferential localization in certain areas of the body. Skin manifestations of actinomycosis are caused by the ability of microorganisms to penetrate the skin, multiply and