Actinomycosis Skin Ulcerative

Actinomycosis of the skin is a specific infectious disease characterized by inflammation of the hair follicle or ducts of the sebaceous glands, as well as the spread of the inflammatory process to neighboring tissues. Most often it occurs in places where hair follicles accumulate - on the face, limbs, and less often - on the torso and genitals. In men, the ears, scalp, and beard and mustache areas are most often affected.

A symptom of activation of pathogenic microflora are weeping wounds on the skin. Upon closer inspection, a soft white coating can be seen in the wound, after removal of which a bleeding surface is revealed. Redness, rashes, swelling, and throbbing pain often occur. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, a fistula or phlegmon may form. The diagnosis is made based on symptoms, laboratory and instrumental studies. The disease is treated by surgeons, dermatologists, otorhinolaryngologists, and dentists.