
Actomyosin is a complex protein of muscle fibers that determines their contractility. It consists of two main proteins - actin and myosin.

Actin is one of the types of cytoskeletal proteins and is the main component of the thin threads (filaments) from which muscle fibers are built.

Myosin is also a protein that forms thick filaments in muscle cells. Myosin filaments slide against actin filaments, causing muscle contraction.

Thus, the interaction of actin and myosin in the composition of actomyosin allows the process of muscle contraction to occur at the molecular level. The ability of muscles to contract is one of the most important functions that ensures the body’s mobility.

Actomyosins are a complex protein that forms the basis of human muscles. Due to its unique structure, the compound ensures that cells and organisms perform work, which is determined by the interaction of protein threads with each other.

Actomyosin is a substance that is also known as actin and myosin. One type of particle is a reducing agent, and the second type is a stabilizer. Without it, muscle fibers would lose their functionality and become unusable during exercise. Each cell contains such a structure. This is why a reduction in muscle mass or even overload in the gym can lead to disruption of this structure.

The purpose of actomyosin is to perform movements that involve fast and slow contraction of muscle fibers.

If you notice that your muscles and musculoskeletal system are weak, this may be due to poor nutrition or injury. Another reason for decreased functionality may be dys