Alcohol poisoning

Alcohol abuse remains widespread in Ukraine. The virtually uncontrolled production and sale of alcoholic beverages make them accessible to all segments of the population, including children. The effects of alcohol appear quickly after consumption. This is explained by the fact that alcohol quickly penetrates the bloodstream and affects all organs.
The time it takes to reach the maximum impact of alcohol on the human body depends on the following factors:
• frequency of drinking alcohol;
• quantity and concentration of the drink;
• amount of food in the stomach before eating
• amount of food consumed after drinks;
• physiological characteristics of a person.
Chronic drinking
to get used to them (see Chapter 17).
Signs and symptoms of alcohol poisoning
• “Good mood”, decreased attention.
• Impaired movement coordination.
• Language impairment.
• Nausea, vomiting.
• Depression.

• Slow breathing.
• In some cases, hypothermia (hypothermia
• Death.