Aldazan 2000

Aldazan 2000: an effective disinfectant

Aldazan 2000 is a highly effective disinfectant produced in Germany by the companies Laisoform Dr. Hens Rosemann GmbH. It belongs to the pharmaceutical group of disinfectants and is intended for use in medical institutions, as well as in other public places where a high degree of hygiene is required.

Aldazan 2000 is available in liquid form and contains a complex of disinfectants that provide a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity. It is effective against bacteria, viruses and fungi, including cellular forms of tuberculosis and hepatitis B and C.

One of the advantages of Aldazan 2000 is its rapid action. The drug is capable of destroying bacteria and viruses within 30 seconds after application to the surface, which can significantly reduce the time required for disinfection procedures.

In addition, Aldazan 2000 is well tolerated and safe for the environment. It does not contain harsh chemicals that may have a negative impact on human health or the environment.

Thus, Aldazan 2000 is an effective and safe means for ensuring a high level of hygiene in various public places. Due to its properties, it is widely used in medical institutions, dental clinics, pharmacies, beauty salons, gyms and other places where it is important to ensure the safety and health of people.