Alekseeva Coloring

Alekseev coloring: history of discovery and application

Alekseev staining is a staining method developed by Soviet hematologist Nikolai Grigorievich Alekseev in 1947. This method is used to determine the number of red blood cells and white blood cells in the blood. Alekseev coloring is named after its inventor, Nikolai Grigorievich Alekseev, who was born in 1898 and died in 1971.

Nikolai Grigorievich Alekseev was one of the first Soviet scientists in the field of medicine, who was engaged in research in the field of hematology. He worked at the Moscow Institute of Experimental Medicine and was the author of many scientific works on the study of blood and its components. Alekseev was also an active participant in the development and implementation of new methods for diagnosing and treating various diseases.

One of Alekseev's most famous works was the development of a method for staining blood cells known as Alekseev staining. This method allows you to determine the number of red and white blood cells in the blood, which is an important indicator of human health. Alekseev staining is widely used in medical practice to diagnose various diseases related to the blood and immune system.

In addition, Alekseev staining has a number of advantages over other blood staining methods. It is more sensitive and specific, which allows you to more accurately determine the number of blood cells and their type. In addition, this method is easy to use and does not require complex equipment or special skills.

Thus, Alekseev staining is an important method for diagnosing blood-related diseases and is widely used in medicine. Its simplicity and effectiveness make it one of the most popular blood cell staining methods in the world.

Alekseev, Nikolai Grigorievich Alekseeva, Olga Mikhailovna - (b. April 30, 1946). Russian pathologist, professor. Honored Scientist. Full member of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences (1986), academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (2011). Daughter of G. M. Alekseev. Graduated from the medical faculty of the 1st Moscow Medical Institute (1969). She defended her candidate's (1972) and doctoral (1990) dissertations. Since 1991 he has been working at the Institute of Hematology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Scientific interests lie in the field of bone marrow pathomorphology, immunochemistry, hematopoiesis, blood cancer mutagenesis. Flocculoscopy methods have been developed, used for the identification and cellular sorting of blood cells, and serum has been developed for the diagnosis and etiological interpretation of chronic myeloproliferative blood diseases. Lectures and reports by O. M. Alekseeva, written for the International