Alexander Operation

Alexander operation is a surgical operation to restore the function of the larynx. Named after its author - German otorhinolaryngologist Ferdinand Alexander.

The operation involves transplanting one of the vocal cords into the median plane of the larynx to replace a removed or damaged vocal cord. This allows you to restore voice function after various diseases or injuries of the larynx.

The Alexander operation is most often performed for laryngeal cancer, when the vocal cord must be removed due to the tumor. Transplantation of the remaining healthy ligament ensures the ability to speak after such radical treatment.

Thus, the Alexander operation is an effective method of rehabilitation of vocal function in various pathologies of the larynx.

Dear readers! Today we will be discussing Alexander surgery, a medical procedure performed to treat ear, nose and throat conditions. This operation was named after the outstanding otolaryngologist Günther Alexander. Let's consider the main aspects of this surgical intervention in accordance with statistical data.

What is Alexander's operation? Alexa

Alexander G. F. (English Henry Faulkner Alexander, July 8, 1883—April 17, 1964), American otolaryngologist. Childhood. Alexander was born in Memphis into a poor family. His parents divorced when he was seven years old. His father ran away from home with his youngest son, leaving Alexander's mother, and the boy remained with his mother. The family then moved to Kilmarnock, Scotland, where Hymie was raised by his paternal grandparents. At the age of 13, Alexander decided to enter medical college in Glasgow. During his studies, he studied not only medicine, but also electrical engineering, engineering, archeology - he was interested in everything. Sometimes his cousin, the doctor Donald, the eldest son of the great doctor Alexander Fleming, stayed at the Alexander family's house. Donald Fleming has always been distinguished by outstanding human qualities: depth of mind, erudition, tolerance, true humanity. David Alexander believed that his future brother would become one of the greatest minds in the field of medicine. In the city of Kilmarnock, he met Rebecca Jenny Swinney, she was born on November 24, 1890 in Leeds, England. She, like him, began studying at a medical college. In August 1906 they got married, and young