
Country of origin - Russia

Pharm-Group - Products that stimulate immune processes

Manufacturers - Medical technologies (Russia)

International name - Alfetin

Dosage forms - lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for injection 75 µg

Composition - Active substances - highly purified protein alpha-fetoprotein, rheopolyglucin.

Indications for use - Complex therapy of autoimmune diseases and other immunopathological conditions caused by impaired synthesis of cytokines that regulate T-cell immunity (nonspecific ulcerative colitis, Hashimoto's disease).

Contraindications - Individual intolerance, pregnancy, lactation period.

Side effects - No serious side effects were identified. In patients with hypersensitivity, a feeling of heat and redness of the skin may appear, which quickly disappear without additional therapy. Allergic reactions are possible.

Interaction - Alfetin can enhance the effect of drugs containing steroid hormones; when used in parallel with some narcotic and painkillers, it can enhance their effect.

Overdose - The drug is not toxic; in case of an accidental overdose, a feeling of heat, a rush of blood to the face, a moderate increase in blood pressure, and a feeling of mild euphoria may occur. These symptoms quickly disappear on their own; in exceptional cases, symptomatic treatment may be required.

Special instructions - No data.

Literature - 1. Instructions for use, approved by the Federal Committee of the Ministry of Health of Russia on November 21, 2002.