
Allantois: germinal membrane that plays an important role in the development of the embryo

Allantois is one of the four germinal membranes that develop in mammals and birds. It arises from the hindgut of the embryo and plays an important role in the formation of the umbilical cord and providing the fetus with nutrients and oxygen.

The outer layer of the allantois consists of mesoderm, which contains blood vessels adapted to connect with the placenta. Thanks to this, the allantois is an important connecting membrane between the embryo and the maternal body. During the development of the embryo, the allantois increases in size and continues its development along with other embryonic membranes.

One of the most important functions of the allantois is to remove metabolic wastes such as urea, which are then eliminated from the mother's body through the placenta. In addition, the allantois also plays a role in the formation of bone marrow, liver and other internal organs of the fetus.

It is important to note that the allantoic vesicle can be used in medicine to obtain stem cells and treat certain diseases.

Despite its importance, the allantois is a small embryonic membrane that gradually decreases during fetal development. Together with other embryonic membranes, the allantois forms the umbilical cord, which connects the embryo to the placenta and provides it with nutrition and oxygen until birth.

In conclusion, the allantois plays an important role in the development of the embryo, providing it with nutrition and oxygen, as well as removing metabolic waste. This small embryonic membrane can be used in medicine to obtain stem cells and treat certain diseases.

Over the past years, many studies have been carried out aimed at studying Allantois. By studying the evolution and origin of this organism, we can understand how the human body evolved, and what features of our body were inherent in the first generations of organisms on Earth. In this article we will look at the nature

The allantois is the embryonic membrane that develops from the hindgut of the embryo. This is one of the layers of the umbilical cord that is connected to the blood in the mother's blood. Its first functions are the proper development of blood vessels and organs. It is also involved in many other important processes during pregnancy. Its outer layer is called mesoderm and contains blood vessels. They help with the nutrition of the fetus and the supply of oxygen and glucose to the mother.

The allantois serves as a mesh for the development of fetal organs, helping it develop and grow. In the same time