Eye massage: visual acuity and clear eyes

The modern world of rapid development of modern technologies is very closely connected with computers and other innovations. They have a positive effect on the quality of life, but the condition of our eyes is not always good. Today, people with impaired vision are quite common. Eye massage can improve and even restore vision. Take literally 10 minutes of your time and you will immediately notice how your eyes will become less tired, pain and tension will go away.

Of course, many other factors also influence the state of our vision. For example, the environmental situation. Therefore, you should not put off studying for a long time. You need to act here and now. Due to correctly performed exercises, tissue metabolism will improve, the muscles of the eye will be strengthened, and blood circulation will be activated. Which will have a positive effect on your vision. This procedure is also used to prevent glaucoma and cataracts.

Eye massage

Tension and fatigue will go away in the same minute

Execution technique

Before you begin massaging around the eyes, you need to wash your hands thoroughly. The face should also be clean. As a rule, before the procedure you need to thoroughly rub your hands together. This movement will warm your hands and activate blood circulation in them.

Basically, acupressure is used. It is performed using the pads of the thumb and index finger. The pressure exerted by horizontal fingers should be vertical.

Even very simple exercises can have a positive effect, toning the nerve endings and nerves of the eyes. This can be light kneading, light stroking actions with closed eyes, massage with heated palms. The most widely popular technique is when both eyes are massaged with the thumb and forefinger. It is worth performing this exercise at least 10-15 times. Also, one of the most common exercises are movements along the lower edge - towards the nose and along the upper edge - above the eyebrow.

This technique has also shown excellent results: the back side of the second phalanx of the thumb is lightly manipulated with slight pressure from the bridge of the nose towards the temples. Your eyes should be closed at this time. To be effective, you need to use this exercise at least 20 times.

Be careful not to strain your eyes. It is recommended to use palming after each appointment. Palming is a technique that relaxes the eyes, giving them time to rest and recuperate. To do this, warm up your hands thoroughly, crossing your palms with each other, place them on your eyes without pressing on them.

Regular and systematic use of these exercises will give very effective results. You will be able to feel the change after the first eye gymnastics.

  1. Eye contact

The first exercise is called eye contact. To do this, take a pencil, place it at arm's length and slowly move it towards your nose. You need to move the pencil until it starts to double. First, you move the pencil 10 times in front of the bridge of your nose, then in front of each eye. You can use your finger instead of a pencil.

  1. Looking to the side

The next exercise will be to move your eyes to the side. To do this, you need to raise your right hand to eye level, focus your attention on the thumb and slowly move your hand to the right side. At this time, you need to watch your finger without turning your head, then return your hand to its original position. Repeat the same technique with your left hand.

  1. Mark on glass

To complete this exercise, you need to draw a circle mark on the glass. The mark should be at eye level, at a distance of 30 cm from the eyes. Afterwards, on your line of sight you need to mark any object you like: a tree, a house, a monument, etc. The object must pass directly through the mark. You need to first look at the mark, then move your gaze to the object and vice versa.

  1. Look up and down

To do this, stretch your arms forward, focus your attention on your fingertips. As you inhale, raise your arms up, follow the position of your hands with your eyes without raising your head. As you exhale, lower your arms, continuing to watch your hands.

  1. Circular movements

At the end of the gymnastics around the eyes, we perform circular movements, massaging the points at the bridge of the nose. 9 times one way and 9 times the other. Don’t forget to do palming after each exercise.

Eye massage

The procedure serves as an effective prevention of glaucoma and cataracts

Massage according to Zhdanov

Now let’s look at several effective and useful exercises to restore vision, which were proposed by V.G. Zhdanov. These techniques are in great demand and are very popular. This massage is recommended for those who suffer from myopia and astigmatism.

This technique also includes partial facial massage, which undoubtedly has a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

  1. First, a forehead massage is performed: for this, three fingers: index, middle and ring fingers. After massaging, light stroking is performed from the center of the forehead to the temporal area.
  1. Then we move on to eyebrow massage. O is performed in the same way, only in this case you need to find the dimple in the center of the eyebrow - the optic nerve and massage it.
  1. This is followed by a temple massage. It is performed with two fingers.
  1. Using three fingers, we stroke the upper cheekbone, located directly under the eyes.
  1. Then use your index finger to massage the sinuses near the nostrils.
  1. Then use your middle fingers to massage the area of ​​your nose and bridge of the nose.
  1. We find the ear dimple at the end of the cheeks and begin to massage it. Then gently stroke it.
  1. Let's move on to the neck massage. We perform light massage movements on the back of the neck.
  1. Let's proceed directly to the eyelid massage. Apply light pressure with two fingers.
  1. From the corners of the eyes we begin to massage the eyelids.
  1. We massage the eyeball with four fingers.
  1. You should finish the eyelid massage by closing your eyes. We do it 3 times.

Eyelid massage relieves tension, restores vision, improving metabolism in the tissues of the eyes. Systematically performing the exercises will give you youthful eyes and a clear look.