
Allelomorph is a synonym for the term "allele".

An allele is one of the alternative forms of a gene that occupies a specific locus on a chromosome. Different alleles of the same gene differ from each other by changes in the nucleotide sequence. Alleles determine the alternative traits that are expressed in individuals of a given species.

Thus, the terms “allelomorph” and “allele” are synonymous and denote variants of the same gene that differ in nucleotide sequence and determine alternative characteristics.

Allelomorphs, or adements

**Source:** Genetics and evolution. G. V. Degtyarev

Definition *Allelomorph*, or *adement* is a synonym for the term ***allele***. Generally, an allelomorph means an allele present on a given chromosome in at least one organism in a population. The term and the association with it appeared in the first half of the 20th century thanks to the work of evolutionary geneticist Ronald Fisher and others. The term “alissorphosis”, which was previously used instead of the correct “genetic drift,” comes from the same word. Using the term with a capital letter, in my opinion, to denote both allelomorph and drift in general is not correct enough.