Allergen From pollock

Allergies are one of the most common health problems that can be extremely bothersome and even dangerous in some cases. Allergens can range from pollen and foods to medications and chemicals. However, in this article we will focus on an allergen called Pollock Allergen.

The pollock allergen is an immunobiological preparation produced by the Mechnikov Biomed company in Russia. This drug is an intradermal solution, which is supplied in 4.5 ml bottles complete with a test kit.

Pollock allergen is used to diagnose allergic reactions to pollock, the most common allergen in the world, found in animal hair, feathers, pollen and other materials. This drug is used to detect allergies to pollack through intradermal testing.

Intradermal testing using Pollock Allergen is performed by injecting a small amount of solution into the patient's skin, usually on the forearm. Based on the test results, it can be determined whether the patient has an allergic reaction to pollock and at what level.

Pollock allergen is a safe and effective drug that allows you to diagnose pollock allergies with high accuracy. However, like any medicine, its use may cause side effects such as skin reactions, swelling and itching.

In conclusion, pollock allergen is an important tool for diagnosing pollock allergy. If you suffer from a pollock allergy or suspect that you have a pollock allergy, be sure to consult a qualified physician who can diagnose and prescribe the necessary treatment.