Allergies in the form of acne on the hands

A rash on the hands in the form of pimples can occur at any time of the year. Often its occurrence is associated with various and numerous external factors, but other, more unpleasant and dangerous, causes of this symptom cannot be ruled out.

It is unacceptable to start treatment without finding out the reasons for such a deviation. Therefore, let's take a closer look at why a rash appears on the hands, which itches and causes severe discomfort.

External reasons

The condition of the skin is influenced by endogenous and exogenous factors. If in the first case we are talking about diseases that cause a rash on the arms and legs, then in the second situation we have to talk about the influence of external irritants. Let's look at them in more detail.

Air temperature

A small rash on the hands, accompanied by intense redness, peeling, and sometimes itching of the skin, often occurs with prolonged exposure of the epidermis to low or high temperatures. Moreover, the skin suffers equally greatly, both in summer and in winter.

Advice: in winter you should not walk outside without gloves or mittens. During the hot season, there is no need to expose the skin of your hands to prolonged UV rays. If this cannot be avoided, then before leaving the house you should definitely use a nourishing or sunscreen.

Insect bites

When using vinegar, insects inject a substance that is a powerful allergen under the human skin. That is why, after relaxing in nature or swimming in ponds, many return home with a red vinegar rash on their hands and other parts of the body.

Solution to the problem: to protect yourself from insects, you need to purchase a special mosquito repellent cream or spray. But we must not forget that it will not protect other insects from vinegar. If the trouble has already happened, you need to, when you come home, lubricate the sore spots with kefir, yogurt or sour cream. A potato compress will help get rid of rashes on your hands in the form of red dots.

Mechanical damage

Sometimes squeezing a certain area of ​​the hand with jewelry or clothing for too long can also cause the appearance of hyperemic itchy areas. Usually the trouble goes away on its own as soon as the pressure stops.

Poor quality products

A small rash on the hands of an adult that itches and turns red indicates skin irritation. It often occurs when:

  1. using low-quality or expired cosmetics;
  2. wearing synthetic clothing;
  3. the use of aggressive or unsuitable personal hygiene products for a person’s skin type (shower gel, toilet or liquid soap with an antibacterial component);
  4. using low-quality body perfumes;
  5. direct skin contact with household chemicals or aggressive substances - gasoline, kerosene, acetone, etc.;
  6. frequent rubbing of hands with alcohol solutions or pharmaceutical antiseptics.

A rash that suddenly appears on the hands of an adult may also be the result of failure to comply with basic hygiene rules. If you neglect to wash your hands after coming from the street or visiting the restroom, or rarely refresh and cleanse your skin in the summer, when a person sweats intensely, then you should not be surprised at the appearance of irritation.

This problem can only be eliminated if the influence of the provoking factor is completely eliminated. And only then, in order to forget for a long time about rashes on your hands in the form of red spots, you can use desensitizing creams (Boro-Plus, Home Doctor, etc.). To make the irritation go away faster, you need to wash your hands daily or make baths (lotions, compresses, applications) from a decoction of sage, chamomile, and eucalyptus.

Important! There are much fewer exogenous causes of the appearance of small rashes on the hands of an adult than pathological ones. Therefore, before starting therapy, it is necessary to ensure that there is no disease that could provoke this symptom.

Abuse of junk food

Rashes on the hands in the form of blisters that itch and peel are often observed in people who overuse a particular food product. Moreover, for each person it can be his own, individual. Sweets, flour products, salty dishes, and smoked foods can lead to the appearance of such an unpleasant symptom. Therefore, before worrying about the development of a dermatological disease, a person should sit down and analyze his diet over the past few days.

Allergic causes

The causes of rashes on the hands are often associated with allergies. It can manifest itself in different ways, that is, in the form of various diseases.


Dermatitis can cause the formation of an intense rash on the hands or other areas of the epidermis of the hands. Rashes often appear on other parts of the body - back, chest, face, knees, etc. The most common are contact and atopic forms of dermatitis. Less commonly, patients are diagnosed with the dermographic variety of the disease, but it is characterized not by a small rash on the hands, but by swelling and white stripes that remain on the skin even after minor mechanical impact.

Dermatitis occurs due to contact of the epidermis with allergens, as well as after strong emotional experiences. They manifest themselves as redness, swelling, itching and burning of the skin. The rashes on the hands are usually grouped and form large hyperemic spots. A few days after the appearance of this problem, the problem areas begin to peel and turn pale.

Other types of allergies

Allergies are one of the most common causes of itchy rashes on the hands. There are several varieties of this group of diseases, the most common of which are:

  1. Food allergies. It develops when a person has hypersensitivity to a certain product or foods. Typically, a symptom of such a deviation is urticaria on the hands, accompanied by itching, burning, redness and the formation of small blisters with water. This is one of the signs that bothers patients the most.
  2. Drug allergy. Occurs after taking certain medications. Most often, urticaria on the palms with this pathology appears after antibiotic therapy, hormone therapy, the use of antidepressants, and anesthesia.
  3. Allergy to plant juice and pollen. When hypersensitive skin comes into contact with some herbs, a sharp reaction of the body may also occur. An allergic rash on the hands is accompanied by blisters, severe burning, pain when pressing on the affected area, and redness. After a few days, the skin begins to peel off, and painful wounds may form in place of the blisters. Hives on the hands are often caused by the juice of white elderberry, hemlock, pollen of buckwheat flowers, etc.
  4. Allergy to cat and dog fur. More precisely, such rashes on the hands appear not because of the wool itself, but because of the allergens that are on it. It can be the same plant pollen, urine and feces of a pet, particles of allergenic food.

An allergic rash on the back of the hand must be treated comprehensively. For this purpose, antihistamine tablets, antiallergic ointments and herbal infusions with desensitizing properties are used.


A specific cause of the appearance of red spots on the crook of the arm is photodermatitis. This disease is popularly called sun allergy. In fact, such an inflammatory reaction of the skin can only appear in the presence of predisposing factors - endogenous and exogenous. For example, after taking ibuprofen or hormonal drugs, when overusing cosmetics or perfumes, etc.

Photodermatitis can appear not only on the hands, but also on the face, chest, neck, back, and shoulders. It has several varieties, which only a doctor can distinguish from each other.

On a note. A notable feature of photodermatitis is that it may not appear immediately, but after 1 - 2 days, and sometimes even a week after insolation.

Infectious and inflammatory skin diseases

The appearance of redness, itching, and swelling of the skin on the hands may be a consequence of the development of inflammatory processes. It is important to understand that many of them are infectious in nature and are contagious.


A rash on the crook of your arms, especially on the outside of your elbow, may indicate psoriasis. The pathology has a predominantly “nervous” etiology. That is, it often develops against the background of severe and prolonged stress and nervous disorders. Although it is possible that psoriatic small red spots may appear on the hands due to pathologies of internal organs.

Skin diseases of fungal etiology

Red spots on the hands that itch are often the result of fungal dermatological pathologies:

  1. Dermatomycoses. They can develop through direct contact with an infected person, as well as through household items. You can easily become infected with this disease while using someone else's towels, wearing someone else's gloves, etc. Characteristic symptoms are red rashes on the hands, itching and burning. It is noteworthy that the fungus on the skin causes the formation of a ribbed surface. It can be crimson or have a yellow-gray tint. There may be severe peeling on the spot itself.
  2. Depriving. This is a whole group of diseases that differ in the causative agent and the characteristics of the rash. But if a spotty rash appears on the inside of the arm, which looks like a round or oval spot, flaking and weeping from time to time, then this should alert you.

Important! These diseases are highly contagious and must be treated immediately. Throughout the course of therapy, it is necessary to limit the patient’s contact with other people.

Diseases of viral etiology

Rashes on the wrists with itching and severe redness may be the result of certain pathologies of viral origin:

  1. Rubella. This is a highly contagious infectious disease, the transmission of which only requires short-term contact with the skin of a sick person. The disease is accompanied by severe redness of the skin, damage to the lymph nodes and mucous membranes.
  2. Corey. Another extremely dangerous viral pathology, which is characterized by the first appearance of white spots on the mucous membranes of the oropharynx. After a few days, a rash appears on the hands in the form of pimples, which itches and has a crimson color.
  3. Herpes. A herpes virus infection on the hands is evidence of the presence of type 3 HHV in the body - Varicella-Zoster. It causes the development of herpes zoster. At first, hyperemia and swelling appear, then a vesicular rash appears on the wrist or other part of the epidermis of the hands.

Important! Each of these diseases has its own causes of development. The pathogen also differs between them. In view of this, you should not make a diagnosis yourself, based only on the visual clinical picture. If rashes appear on the hands, and then on the whole body (or, conversely, the rash first appears on the body and then affects the hands), then you must immediately seek medical help.

Other pathological causes

There are several other dangerous reasons for the appearance of the defect in question. Let's look at them briefly.

Pathologies of the hematopoietic system and blood vessels

The causes of a rash on the wrists may be associated with poor circulation. So, such a nuisance often appears in patients with thrombosis or thrombophlebitis. But in these cases, the rash will have a specific appearance. These are pimples, but rather bloody spots, hematomas, bruises.

Nervous itch

Redness, severe itching and flaking on the skin of many people is directly dependent on their psycho-emotional state. The more often such overexertion occurs, the higher the risk of an unpleasant symptom.

The epidermis can peel and itch due to:

  1. constant or frequent stress;
  2. neurasthenia;
  3. hysteria;
  4. neurosis;
  5. lack of sleep;
  6. overwork.

In other words, any factor that causes overstrain of the central nervous system can provoke itching and rashes throughout the body.

How to get rid of “nervous” rash on hands? This question is relevant for many modern people. Of course, the advice that you just need to stop being nervous and start getting a good night’s sleep will sound trite. But this is the most effective and correct way to fix the problem. If necessary, you can resort to taking sedative medications, which will not only help you deal with life’s ups and downs more easily, but will also improve your night’s sleep.


This sexually transmitted disease affects not only the genitals, but also the internal organs. At the same time, the skin also suffers from it. The formation of large, scaly red spots may indicate infection with this disease, so a patient without other visible symptoms should donate blood for RW just in case.

As you can see, there are quite a few reasons for redness and rashes on the skin of the hands. Understanding them on your own is very difficult, and sometimes even completely impossible. Therefore, look again at the photos and descriptions of skin rashes on your hands that were given earlier. Compare them with what defects you have, and you can develop a further plan of action. Although in any case, consulting a doctor will never be superfluous.

Author: Alexey Shevchenko July 23, 2017 23:55 Category: Survival problems

Good day, dear readers of Alexey Shevchenko’s blog “Healthy Lifestyle”. Surely each of us from time to time encounters such a phenomenon as a rash on the hands in the form of pimples. This is very unpleasant, and I would like to know what causes it. As is often the case, there are many reasons for a rash in the form of small pimples, and in this article I want to list some of the most common ones.

Hands are constantly at risk

The hand is one of the most important parts of the human body. One of its main functions is to grasp and manipulate objects. This means that hands come into contact with aggressive substances much more often than other parts of the body, and this contact is very close. Therefore, minor injuries, abrasions, cuts and the penetration of all kinds of infections into the thickness of the skin of the hands are a daily reality.

Small pimples on the hand like a rash can appear on any part of the surface of the hand. Even if they don’t itch, they still spoil the appearance of the skin and your mood. In the vast majority of cases, these small rashes, even when they appear in a child, are completely harmless, but in some cases they can be a sign of serious skin diseases.

Allergies are a frequent visitor

Despite all the wonders of modern household appliances, your hands still have to constantly deal with very aggressive chemicals. These include washing powders, dishwashing and plumbing detergents, all kinds of fertilizers, paints and hundreds of other strong poisons. In addition, allergies in the form of small pimples can be caused by plant pollen, fur, dander and animal waste.

Moreover, allergies can be either constant or episodic. (For example, my hands sometimes get a small rash when I clean up a cage with rabbits. To prevent this from happening, I have to use gloves, but they are uncomfortable to work with).

Cosmetics can also cause persistent allergic reactions. They are especially susceptible to people who have to have constant and massive contact with these substances. The risk group includes hairdressers, makeup artists, and actors.

If the manifestations of allergies are too unpleasant, they can be neutralized by taking some kind of antihistamine (it must be prescribed by a doctor). Today, the entire television and radio airwaves are filled with annoying advertisements for drugs promising “life without allergies.” But we must not forget that this is nothing more than an advertising exaggeration, with the help of which marketers try to lure more gullible buyers.

Antihistamines are far from harmless drugs; they themselves can cause allergies, and also have a number of severe side effects, such as vomiting, diarrhea, sensory disturbances, drowsiness, depression, headache, and so on. Therefore, if a person is intolerant to cat hair, then he should not have a kitten and suppress the allergy by constantly taking antihistamines, as some commercials advise.

Miliaria – a hot summer companion

The hotter the weather, the more active the sweat glands are. But if for some reason the evaporation of sweat from the skin slows down, then characteristic irritation in the form of red pimples (or water pimples) may occur. This disease is called miliaria, and almost 100% of young children experience it.

But adults are not immune from it either. If the weather is very hot and humid, and at the same time a person is forced to actively move, then the hands and other parts of the body may become covered with this unpleasant rash. In addition, prickly heat “loves” to bloom if a sweaty person in the heat suddenly falls under a stream of cold air coming from an air conditioner or from a powerful fan.

Miliaria rashes are usually accompanied by severe itching, which sometimes becomes unbearable. But under no circumstances should you scratch, pick or squeeze out pimples, as this can lead to an associated infection.

If the pimples have not become infected, then prickly heat does not require any medical treatment. But in order to prevent it from developing further and from capturing fresh areas of the skin, it is necessary to eliminate the factors that cause it - namely, overheating and high humidity. To do this, you need to cool and cleanse the skin.

Every person should know what to do and what to do if a rash appears on their hands in the form of small pimples.

After all, the face and hands are the part of the body that is always in sight. There are many reasons for the appearance of various types of rashes.

What diseases cause acne

Rashes on the hands are associated with various diseases. These could be infections: scabies, enterovirus.

Sometimes the rash is caused by skin diseases. Before treatment, you should seek help from a doctor. The doctor will make a diagnosis and prescribe a course of therapy.

Enterovirus infection

The disease is most often diagnosed in children. The first symptoms of enterovirus infection are:

  1. The appearance of red (pale pink) inflamed nodules on the hands.
  2. Pimples do not merge into one whole, they are located in groups.
  3. A rash forms around the mouth and inside.
  4. The formations are very itchy.
  5. The liver and other organs are affected.
  6. The infection is complicated by meningitis.

The infection is treated with antibiotics. Antiviral drugs are also used. When the general condition stabilizes, the rash dries up and disappears on its own. It is not recommended to use iodine, medicinal solutions and ointments.

Miliaria in children

Common heat rash occurs in children in hot weather. Increased sweating occurs, which causes the child’s skin to become irritated.

As a result, the following are formed:

  1. rashes in the form of red pimples;
  2. the formations are very itchy;
  3. pimples may turn red;
  4. in severe cases, pimples fester.

Treatment consists of refusing to wear synthetic clothing and changing clothes in a timely manner.

Miliaria in adults

There are several reasons leading to the appearance of prickly heat in adults, including:

  1. high humidity;
  2. heavy physical labor in enclosed spaces;
  3. climate change, heat;
  4. diabetes;
  5. improper metabolism.

The malaise goes away on its own if you wear clothes made from natural fabrics, monitor your blood sugar levels and maintain hand hygiene.

But we should not forget that increased sweating may indicate the presence of more serious diseases of the body. Understanding this means protecting yourself from possible complications.


Another name for pemphigus disease. It is of bacterial origin and is characterized by:

  1. Pemphigus vulgaris: the appearance of a small rash on the hands with the formation of white blisters (pus, blood inside);
  2. severe itching is felt;
  3. chronic pemphigus: periodically the rash disappears, but then reappears;
  4. the leaf-shaped form is characterized by the appearance of ulcers and crusts.

Acne first appears on the hands and eventually spreads throughout the body. Treatment is individual, prescribed by a doctor after tests.

Coxsackie virus

The disease is a viral infection and most often affects children. Symptoms characteristic of Coxsackie are:

  1. the appearance of microscopic white pimples on the hands;
  2. sometimes the rash does not itch at all, but more often there is severe itching;
  3. slight redness is visually observed;
  4. The rash sometimes goes away, like after sunbathing.

Treatment requires consultation with a doctor.


Small pimples on the hands appear as a response of the body to contact with any irritant. Among them: household chemicals, cosmetics, metal jewelry, in some cases even the sun. Often allergens are food, household dust, animal hair, and medications.

The main symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  1. the appearance of a small rash (blisters, vesicles);
  2. skin redness, swelling;
  3. severe itching;
  4. peeling;
  5. burning.

Metabolic disease

The disease occurs due to the fact that the body exceeds the maximum content of toxins. As a result, the gastrointestinal tract malfunctions.

The body's reaction manifests itself in the appearance of a rash on the fingers, gradually affecting the hands. Red (possibly white) pimples appear on the skin.

Fungal infection

Itchy skin and red pimples are caused by a fungal infection. It is very easy to become infected; physical contact, for example, a handshake, is enough.

The skin of the hands is often injured, which allows the fungus to quickly penetrate through microscopic cracks and cuts. Fungus on the hands develops when a person’s immune system is weakened, during long-term treatment with antibiotics and frequent stress.


Rashes are observed with infectious diseases such as measles, chickenpox or rubella.

They occur mainly in children, but pimple-like rashes on the hands are also possible in adults. Children tolerate the disease more easily, but complications are possible in adults.


The disease is caused by scabies mite and is considered highly contagious. It is characterized by:

  1. the appearance of rashes on the fingers, on the delicate skin between the fingers;
  2. there is an unbearable itching;
  3. the rash very quickly affects the entire body;
  4. pimples merge, suppurate;
  5. the appearance of the skin of the hands is very untidy.

If left untreated at the onset of the disease, a long hospital stay will be required.

Dyshidrotic eczema

With this disease, acne formation occurs intradermally as a result of blockage of the sweat glands. Among the factors provoking the disease, endocrine diseases, fungal infections on the palms or allergies predominate.

Dyshidrosis is characterized by:

  1. tingling in the hands;
  2. itching inside the surface of the hands;
  3. formation of pimples under the skin;
  4. the formations are small and dense, inside of which there is a clear liquid.

Follicular keratosis

Often the cause of dermatological skin rashes is endocrine diseases, lack of B vitamins, as well as A, E, C.

  1. increased keratinization of the epidermis;
  2. inflammation of the hair follicles;
  3. the appearance of small pimples on the skin of the hands;
  4. they resemble rough bumps, often called “goose bumps”;

Other reasons

  1. Neglect of hygiene. Failure to comply with hygiene requirements is the cause of acne. Dirty hands create all the conditions for bacteria to multiply and form a rash.
  2. Hormonal imbalance. The cause of acne on the face and hands is adolescence, when hormonal changes occur throughout the body. The same situation occurs in women after childbirth. This is explained by the fact that in adolescents the level of male hormones is off the charts, and in women there is a lack of female hormones. Pores become clogged with sebum, which leads to the appearance of blackheads (comedones), and, as a result, acne becomes inflamed, forming dangerous suppurations.
  3. Stressful situations and psychosis. Rashes appear after suffering stress or as a result of aggression in people suffering from an inferiority complex. Pimples are located on the arms and also on the neck. Seeing a psychotherapist will help you get rid of your discomfort.

Types of acne

There are several types of acne:

  1. Dry, arising from exposure to air and cold.
  2. Watery, always accompanied by unbearable itching, which indicates scabies, dyshidrosis or childhood infections (rubella, measles, chickenpox).
  3. Purulent pimples caused by bacteria getting into wounds on the hands.
  4. Subcutaneous pimples caused by blocked glands.

Rashes on the hands have a different nature. Therefore, visiting a doctor is mandatory, otherwise complications are inevitable. You cannot make a diagnosis yourself by comparing the rash that appears with photos of similar diseases found in medical reference books.


Doctors warn! Shocking statistics - it has been established that more than 74% of skin diseases are a sign of parasite infection (Accarida, Giardia, Toxocara). Worms cause enormous harm to the body, and the first to suffer is our immune system, which should protect the body from various diseases. The head of the Institute of Parasitology shared the secret of how to quickly get rid of them and cleanse your skin, it turns out that’s enough. Read more .

Only a specialist knows how to treat such diseases. He will refer the patient for tests, prescribe appropriate treatment and, if necessary, give a referral to a medical institution.