Allergy Latent

Latent allergy is a condition that is characterized by the absence of typical signs of allergy, such as sneezing, coughing, lacrimation and tissue swelling. Instead, symptoms such as weakness, fatigue, headache and trouble sleeping may occur. Some people may not be aware that they have a latent allergy and may think their symptoms are due to other causes, such as stress or fatigue.

The causes of latent allergies can vary, but most often they are associated with hereditary factors or external factors that can damage a person's immune system. For example, some people may have sensitivities to certain chemicals, such as pollen or foods, which can cause an allergic reaction. Other factors such as stress, smoking and alcohol consumption can also affect the immune system and increase the risk of developing latent allergies. Symptoms of latent allergies can manifest in different ways and can vary in severity. Some people experience only mild symptoms, such as slight weakness or slight itching in the eyes. In other people, symptoms may be more severe, such as severe weakness, a body temperature above 38 degrees, swollen lymph nodes, and even anaphylactic shock.

Treatment of a latent type of allergy includes preventive measures aimed at reducing the risk of developing this form of the disease, as well as treatment of the symptoms themselves. Prevention of latent allergies involves eliminating factors that can cause allergic reactions and strengthening the immune system.

One of the effective methods of preventing a latent allergic reaction is to avoid contact with the allergen. This means that a person should avoid direct contact with substances that may cause allergic reactions. For example, if you are sensitized to plant pollen, then you should avoid walking in the garden or forest. It is also important to keep the air clean, as environmental pollution can stimulate an allergic reaction in people with latent allergies.

To strengthen your immune system, you need to take care of your health and eat right. The diet should be balanced and contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals. It is also necessary to treat any diseases and infections in a timely manner, as they can worsen the state of the latent reaction.

Another method of preventing latent allergic reactions is the use of special medications. Some of them are used to reduce allergy symptoms and reduce the frequency of their occurrence. It is important to remember that the use of such drugs must be agreed with a doctor and used only for acute