Allopustular Persistent Acrodermatitis

Allopustular and persistent acrodermatitis belong to the same group of diseases: constitutional, not associated with skin aging. Each individual case of the disease is quite rare and occurs in only 2–3% of patients with impaired skin condition in various parts of the body. The reasons for the development of acrodamas and pustular dermatosis are streptococcal destruction of the skin, infectious lesions and viruses. The occurrence of a pathological process associated with the penetration of infection into the skin from superficial hemorrhages is also influenced by metabolic, age-related, immune changes, the state of the endocrine glands, and allergic reactions.

Title: "Allopustular Persistent Acrodermatitis"

Currently, there are many skin diseases that require medical intervention and treatment. One such disease is Hallopeau's Pustulosis Acrodermatitis. This disease affects the top layers of skin on the body and face and can lead to serious complications if not