Alopecia Syphilitic Pedal

Alopecia Syphilitic focal. One of the most common manifestations of syphilis in men is the appearance of patches of baldness. In contrast to white diffuse alopecia and scabby alopecia, at the focal diffuse stage, the inflammatory focus can be divided into two zones - the peripheral (free from hair loss) and the central zone.

Alopeia in syphilis is an acute purulent disease that occurs as a result of the death of hair follicle cells and the destruction of their keratinoid rod. The development of the pathological process leads to hypersecretion of the sebaceous glands, inflammation of the hair papilla, hair follicle and leads to an afollicular process. First, follicles located in the zone of growth and distribution of large follicles are affected, then small ones. Breakthrough of dermal tissue, terminal lichenitis occurs, which can be resolved conservatively or