Altshuler Method

Altshuler method: An innovative approach to problem solving

N.M. Altshuler, a prominent Soviet biochemist, developed a methodology that became known as the “Altshuler method” or “Theory of Inventive Problem Solving” (TRIZ). This innovative approach offers a systematic methodology for solving problems and stimulating creative thinking.

Altshuler began his career in the field of invention and patent law, where he noticed that most inventions are based on the use of existing solutions. He concluded that there was a general set of principles that underpin successful inventions, and that these principles could be learned and applied to solve a wide variety of problems.

The Altshuler method is based on the idea that problems and contradictions can be resolved through a systematic approach based on the analysis and classification of inventive solutions that have been applied in the past. Altshuler has developed tools and principles that allow you to search for and create innovative solutions based on existing experience and knowledge.

The basic principles of the Altshuler method include the following:

  1. Using the Ideality Principle: Altshuler concluded that most problems can be solved by approaching an ideal state. This means that the solution to the problem should strive to eliminate the shortcomings and achieve optimal results.

  2. Application of requirements and resources: Altshuler proposed dividing the problem into requirements that need to be satisfied and resources that can be used to satisfy these requirements. This helps you see connections between different aspects of a problem and look for opportunities for innovation.

  3. Using the principle of contradiction: Altshuler drew attention to the fact that many problems contain contradictions, for example, the requirement to increase productivity and reduce costs. He developed a methodology for systematically analyzing contradictions and finding compromise solutions that satisfy both requirements.

  4. Invention Database Applications: Altshuler has created an extensive invention database that contains descriptions of thousands of different inventions and their applications in various fields. This database serves as a tool for finding analogies and inspiration when solving problems.

Altshuler's method has received wide recognition in engineering and innovation circles. It is used in various fields including engineering, manufacturing, business, science and many more. The Altshuler method helps companies and individual innovators find new ways to solve problems, increase efficiency and quality of products, reduce costs and improve competitiveness.

The use of Altshuler's method can lead to the emergence of original ideas that were not previously considered. It stimulates creative thinking and helps develop innovative thinking skills among specialists. This is especially valuable in today's fast-paced world, where it is important to be flexible and find new ways to solve problems.

Altshuler's method is a powerful tool for innovation and development. It allows you to overcome traditional limitations and find innovative solutions. Thanks to this method, many companies and individual inventors have achieved significant success in various fields.

In conclusion, the Altshuler method is a valuable contribution to the field of innovation and problem solving. It offers a systematic approach based on the analysis and classification of inventive solutions, and helps to find new ideas and development paths. Altshuler's method continues to inspire and help engineers, scientists and entrepreneurs in their search for innovation and improvement of the world around us.