Amentia Meynert

Meynert's amentia is a disorder in which a person loses interest in work or normal pastimes and experiences changes in thinking and behavior. This condition may cause anxiety, restlessness, disorientation, or weakening of the will. People with this disorder often lose skills in everyday life, such as forgetting important things, forgetting about arrangements, or being unable to remember directions to a destination. Other symptoms may include depersonalization, paranoia, hallucinations and delusions.

Meynert's amentia most often affects older people after a heart attack, stroke, chronic illness, exposure to certain substances such as alcohol, and other conditions. In rare cases, amentia may be associated with a brain injury or be a sign of serious brain disease.

This type of disorder is caused by changes in the electrical activity of the brain, which affects communication between different areas of the brain. This manifests itself as loss of memory, concentration and attention, as well as changes in emotional state. The causes of amentia can be very diverse and not always clear, so the diagnosis requires careful examination and diagnosis.

Treatment for Mainert's amentia is aimed at combating the symptom and the causes of this condition. Medication, physical therapy, lifestyle advice, and cognitive behavioral therapy may be used. Doctors may recommend antidepressants, anxiety medications, opiates, and other medications as needed. Older people often require medical supervision to monitor their health.

We all know what amentia is. This is inappropriate behavior after alcohol or drug intoxication, which is accompanied by loss of connection with reality, disorientation, false memories, unreasonable aggression, as well as uncontrolled movements and actions that seem logical, consistent, purposeful, but in which it is difficult to find a specific focus on external objects, and even more so to carry out their dialogue or interaction with anyone. Yes, this is called a “complication” - a pathological condition in which the alcohol (drug) syndrome loses its attractiveness, becomes sad, “heavy”, painful, causing a lot of unpleasant subjective sensations. In this case, a person loses the meaning of life, looks devastated, confused, does not know what to do next, and seeks help. Subsequently, it is very difficult to distinguish a truly severe organic patient from someone who simply drank very heavily or ate something very serious, with some kind of somatic suffering (be it gastritis, enterocolitis or cholecystitis). Therefore, it is necessary to realize and understand that, looking at this definition, every time you meet such a person, you should think about assessing the situation as critical or even resuscitation. Because it is unknown what the clinical situation will be when this syndrome manifests itself: critical or life-threatening, i.e. in the next 24 hours you should a) seek emergency specialized help, b) symptomatic treatment is ineffective. Only taking into account the characteristics of the addict’s psyche makes it possible to provide differentiated assistance. For an unprepared person suffering from asthenia - a sharp deterioration in somatic or mental condition, the most typical combination of asthenia and asthenic syndrome is Asthenic syndrome - a manifestation of severe chronic poisoning of the body, which was caused by systematic alcohol consumption.