The phenomenon of hidden peeling

Peeling skin is a natural phenomenon that can occur in many people. However, if the flaking becomes excessive, it may indicate the presence of some disease or health problem. One of these reasons may be the phenomenon of Latent peeling, which is the appearance of pityriasis-like peeling when the surface of the rash is scraped.

The phenomenon of hidden peeling (also known as hidden or guttate parapsoriasis) is one of the symptoms of guttate parapsoriasis, a rare skin disease that is characterized by the appearance of a rash on the body. When this rash, which usually has a scaly appearance, is scraped, peeling appears, which gives this phenomenon its name.

The phenomenon of hidden peeling can occur in people of any age, but is more common in older people. Symptoms usually appear on the scalp, neck, chest, back and arms. The rash can come in different sizes and shapes, but is usually teardrop or round in shape.

The reasons for the phenomenon of hidden peeling are still unknown. Some scientists believe this may be due to a genetic predisposition or a disorder of the immune system. Others believe that this phenomenon may be associated with hormonal changes in women during menopause.

Treatment of the phenomenon of hidden peeling includes the use of local and systemic drugs such as corticosteroids, immunosuppressants and others. Physiotherapy treatments such as laser therapy or cryotherapy may also be prescribed.

In general, the phenomenon of hidden peeling is a serious disease that requires careful medical examination and treatment. If you notice symptoms of this disease, you need to contact a dermatologist for diagnosis and prescribing the correct treatment.