
Is this amphimeriosis? What kind of disease is Amphimeris?

Literally the word means something in between; boundary between molecules in polyatomic DNA molecules separating parts of the DNA helix. Environmental factors influence the concentration of molecules. In young children, jaundice may occur (due to cholelithiasis, mechanical damage to the ducts).

This type of degeneration of liver and bile duct cells is the most common, the percentage of deaths is 20–30. It accounts for more than 70% of all types of sclerosing cholangitis and 80% of cholestatic hepatitis. In this regard, the disease received a second name: “Chronic cholecystitis.” Every third child with cholestasis has no gallbladder, and 50% have no gallbladder ampulla. Girls predominate among patients (5:4). In 90% of cases, isolated or combined pigmentary cirrhosis occurs. Clinical manifestations are varied.

Amphimerosis is a type of civil strife in a historical and political context, which is characterized by the aggravation of relations between two parties and their constant rivalry. This term is used to describe conflict situations that may arise when the interests of two states or population groups collide. However, amphimerase is not always politically motivated and can manifest itself in everyday situations. For example, rivalry between brothers or girlfriends can lead to interpersonal conflict, which can be called amphimerosis. Despite the fact that such a conflict often ends in misunderstandings and resentment,