
Amnion (lat. Amnion) is the fetal sac or membrane that surrounds the developing fetus in the womb. The amnion is an important component of pregnancy and is needed to protect the fetus from external influences such as infections, trauma and other factors that can harm the fetus.

The amnion consists of two layers: external and internal. The outer layer consists of fibrinous tissue, which provides strength and elasticity to the amnion. The inner layer is a transparent membrane that allows fluid to circulate freely between the amnion and amniotic fluid.

Inside the amnion is amniotic fluid, which performs several functions. Firstly, it provides protection to the fetus by protecting it from external factors. Secondly, amniotic fluid contains nutrients that are essential for the development of the fetus. Thirdly, amniotic fluid contributes to the development of the fetal lungs, as it contains oxygen and carbon dioxide.

It is important to note that the amnion plays an important role in fetal development. Without amnion, the fetus may be at risk of various complications, such as hypoxia, asphyxia and others. Therefore, it is very important to maintain the integrity of the amnion throughout pregnancy.

In some cases, the amnionia may be damaged or ruptured, which can lead to loss of amniotic fluid and consequently impair the development of the fetus. This can occur as a result of infections, trauma, gestational disorders and other factors.

If the amnionia is damaged, treatment is necessary to preserve the amniotic fluid and protect the fetus. Treatment may include introducing fluid into the amnion through a catheter or using special medications to restore the integrity of the amnion.

Thus, the amnion is an important component of pregnancy and plays a key role in protecting the fetus from external factors and ensuring its normal development. However, if the amnionia becomes damaged, it can lead to serious complications, so it is very important to monitor its integrity throughout pregnancy.

The environment is not always favorable for humans and even for those who, once hatched from the egg, must learn to survive outside the animal womb. The question of whether the baby will be born alive after being in the egg for several more weeks in such an extremely hostile environment is often a dramatic one. The brooding bird must create favorable conditions so that the future chick remains alive. The amnion is the thin amniotic membrane that forms around the embryo of a bird before it develops into an egg. The shell consists of two layers of epithelial tissue that have a special structure