Amniotic adhesions

Amnionic adhesions - an obstetric problem or not?

Amnionic adhesions are the adhesions in the uterine wall after an abortion in early pregnancy. It can lead to various complications and requires careful medical monitoring as well as professional treatment. In this article we will look at what amnionic adhesions are, what symptoms they cause and how to treat them.

What are adhesive dressings? Amniotic commissure is a commissure between the walls of the uterus and abdominal cavity, which is formed after surgical termination of pregnancy in the early stages. It leads to deformation of the uterus, poor circulation and a decrease in the intensity of production of the endometrial glands (inner lining of the uterus). After an abortion in early pregnancy, the products of the uterine blood vessels remain in the uterus to form a “bundle” in the wall of the uterus. This process is known as the amniotic band. This constriction can fuse with the uterus and abdominal tissue, causing inflammation in the abdominal wall and/or inflammation of the internal organs. Sometimes even more unpleasant consequences are observed after the abortion procedure. One of these consequences is amniotic adhesions - disruption of the blood supply to the uterus, the formation of adhesions in the muscles of the abdominal cavity (myometrium). Inflammation or adhesions in the amnio