
What is amok?

Malay Amok for us is a compound word and its meaning sounds like “mad” or “mad”, which reflects the brevity in the descriptive characteristics of this particular illness. The reason lies in the extraordinary intensity of the patient’s emotional side. Most often, amok manifests itself as psychosis with vegetative arousal and hallucinations.

**First part – A**

Amok is of Indo-Malay origin and is often associated with the term "crazy". In the context of Indian mythology, amok has a fairly positive connotation. At birth, such a child has an extremely courageous and open character. He is distinguished by his kindness in communicating with others. During verbal contact, he gains confidence in himself. However, there is another pole of this phenomenon, when the individual becomes aggressive and angry.

For a long time, the appearance of amok was also explained by the influence of several factors: * Vaspola virus; * Unlimited action of the hormone adrenaline in the blood; * Accumulation of biologically active substances.