Senile Arc

What is a senile arc?

***Senile arch*** is a condition in which the patient exhibits changes in the area of ​​the inner corner of the eye, which connects to the nasal septum. This occurs due to the degradation of corneal tissue and cartilage, which leads to a gradual change in the shape of the eyeball. Changes can be caused by various factors, such as age-related changes, heredity, exposure to ultraviolet rays, trauma, allergies, infections, etc.


The most common symptoms of senile arch are changes in the shape of the eye and its position, as well as decreased visual acuity. Other symptoms may include a feeling of pressure in the eyes, headaches, decreased field of vision, photophobia and other negative sensations. If you notice these symptoms, then you need to see an ophthalmologist for diagnosis and treatment.

**Diagnosis of senile arch** The diagnosis of senile arch is confirmed after identifying a number of symptoms:

- change in visual acuity; - headache; - discomfort near the bridge of the nose;