Veins of the Dura mater

Veins of the dura mater are arteries and veins located in the cerebral layer of the dense connective tissue membrane (covering the cerebral hemispheres and the cerebellum). The dura mater forms three layers: the outer medulla-bone, the middle-soft, and the inner-anatomical. It is separated from the outer and middle layers by the inner medulla, endo- and subdural spaces; The subarachnoid space is separated from the middle layer.

The main subjects of study of the veins of the meninges are:

1) their anatomical structure 2) histological (cross sections of capillaries) 3) function 4) blood (its chemical composition and quantity) 5) innervation 6) blood supply (capillaries and arterioles) 7) role in pathologies of the central nervous system

The great cerebral vein is the largest venous artery in the human brain. Starts from subpachytine