Amoxicillin for a child 11 years old dosage

Children's diseases are often accompanied by bacterial complications. Also, the pathology may initially be microbial in nature. To treat this condition, separate medications are needed - antibiotics. With their invention, medicine made a colossal breakthrough. After all, it is now possible to cure diseases that were previously considered fatal.

Today's article will tell you about how the antibiotic Amoxicillin is used. Instructions (for use in children), reviews and features of the use of this medicine will be presented to your review. You will learn about substitute drugs and get acquainted with the results of treatment with such drugs.

Preliminary characteristics of the antibiotic

Quite often in pediatrics the drug Amoxicillin is used for children. The instructions for its use must be carefully studied before starting treatment. Even if the medicine is prescribed by a competent and experienced specialist, do not be lazy to read about it. The summary of the drug is quite extensive. It describes all indications and contraindications. The application diagram is also indicated in detail.

Amoxicillin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. It belongs to the group of synthetic penicillins. The medicine begins to act immediately after entering the body. The active substance of the same name, amoxicillin, inhibits the synthesis of the bacterial membrane. As a result, the pathological cell is destroyed and its death occurs.

The medicine has a bactericidal effect. It is effective against various microorganisms: streptococci and staphylococci, Escherichia and Shigella, salmonella and so on. The product fights pathogens that cause gonorrhea and meningitis, stomach and intestinal ulcers, and anaerobic microorganisms. And this is not the entire list. As you can see, the instructions present the spectrum of action of the drug “Amoxicillin” (for children) as very wide.

Composition and form of the drug

You already know that the main component of this medicine is the active substance of the same name. The drug may contain different amounts of it. You can purchase tablets or capsules from the pharmacy chain. Amoxicillin suspension for children is also sold. The instructions say that the medicine may contain additional components: simethicone, sodium saccharinate, sodium benzoate, sodium citrate, sucrose, guar gum, as well as various flavorings. The drug in tablet form often does not have additional additives. The medicine, produced in capsules, has a gelatin shell.

The minimum dosage of Amoxicillin is 125. Instructions for use for young children recommend choosing exactly this amount of the active substance. Older children are prescribed a drug that is available in doses of 250, 500 and 1000 milligrams. In hospitals, the drug can be used in the form of an injection solution to treat patients.

Structural analogues and their trade names

The substance amoxicillin (for children) may have different trade names. The instructions say that this medicine is quite effective and safe. Therefore, based on the main component, a lot of drugs are produced with different names. The following can be distinguished:

Amoxicillin-based drugs are often prescribed in combination with another active ingredient, for example, Amoxiclav, Flemoklav and others. Remember that even structural analogues of a drug must be selected by a specialist. Self-use of antibiotics is unacceptable.

Indications for treatment

The instructions for using the medicine “Amoxicillin” (for children) are recommended by a doctor. As you know, the drug is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. This means that it is effective in treating many bacterial diseases. The medicine is powerless against viruses of various types. So, the instructions indicate the following situations as indications for the use of Amoxicillin tablets and suspension for children:

  1. acute as well as chronic diseases of the lower respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia, lung abscess);
  2. infections of the ENT organs (otitis media, pharyngitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis);
  3. chronic and acute diseases of the biliary tract, intestines and stomach (cholecystitis, intestinal infections, peritonitis);
  4. genitourinary diseases (pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, bacteriuria);
  5. infections of the skin and soft tissues, accompanied by the discharge of pus;
  6. sepsis and so on.

It is recommended to use the drug after a preliminary examination. If time permits, you must first do a bacteriological culture to determine the sensitivity of microorganisms to a given antibiotic. But, as practice shows, often when you get sick you can’t hesitate. Therefore, pediatricians prescribe antibiotics at their discretion.

Limitations in use

What other information does the instructions for use tell the consumer about Amoxicillin? Tablets are prescribed to children only after 10-12 years of age. Before this age, capsules and pills are contraindicated. If treatment is necessary, preference should be given to a suspension. Despite this, there is a structural analogue of the drug Flemoxin. It is available in tablets intended for children. Moreover, its form is solutab. This means that the tablets can be pre-dissolved in water, which is very convenient.

Contraindications to the use of the drug will be hypersensitivity and allergic reaction to penicillin antibiotics. The medication is not prescribed for infectious mononucleosis, lymphocytic leukemia, or severe gastrointestinal diseases. It is forbidden to take the antibiotic for children with hay fever, bronchial asthma, liver dysfunction, or diseases of viral etiology.

Unpleasant consequences of therapy

In some cases, the drug provokes adverse reactions. What does the instructions say about the antibiotic “Amoxicillin” (suspension for children) about this? Medicine in liquid or tablet form can cause allergies. This side effect is considered the most unpleasant and dangerous. It manifests itself as a rash, hives, itching, swelling or shock. If you notice such signs in a child, you should immediately stop treatment and call emergency help. Perhaps only an allergic reaction to a medication is a reason to discontinue it.

Other side effects include nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, and general malaise. With such manifestations, therapy should be continued.

"Amoxicillin" (tablets) for children: instructions and dosage

As you have already learned, medicine in the form of pills is prescribed to children after 10-12 years of age. At this age, the dosage of the drug corresponds to an adult. If a child weighs more than 40 kilograms, then he is prescribed 250-500 mg of the active substance per dose. In severe cases of the disease, it is recommended to increase the dose of the drug to 1 gram. Frequency of application – 3 times.

The medicine is taken orally without preliminary crushing. The duration of therapy depends on the disease and ranges from 5 to 12 days. Often the medication is recommended to be taken for 7 days.

"Amoxicillin" (suspension): instructions for use for children

Children under 10 years of age are recommended to take the product in the form of a suspension. The same form of the drug is prescribed to those patients whose body weight is less than 40 kilograms. The powder must be diluted before use. To do this, use only clean, chilled water. Following the instructions, pour the liquid into the container with the bulk substance up to the mark. After this, shake the drug well.

How to give Amoxicillin syrup? Instructions for use (for children 5-10 years old) recommend a dose of 250 mg three times a day. If the child is under 5 years old, the medicine is prescribed 125 mg three times a day. If the patient's age is in the range from 0 to 2 years, then the portion is calculated based on body weight. For every kilogram you should take 20 mg of amoxicillin. So, if the baby weighs 10 kilograms, then he is entitled to 200 mg of the active substance per day. Each subsequent dose of the suspension should be taken no earlier than 8 hours later. The duration of treatment is determined individually. Please note that the prepared solution can be stored for no more than 14 days. After this time, the drug becomes ineffective and dangerous for the child.

Additional Information

The instructions for use also contain special instructions for the use of the drug "Amoxicillin". For children under 18 years of age, the medicine is not prescribed in combination with metronidazole. When combining the active substance with other compounds, preference is given to clavulanic acid. Long-term use of the drug can provoke fungal infections. Therefore, in such situations, it is advisable to prescribe drugs based on nystatin and other antifungal substances for preventive purposes.

An overdose of the drug is marked by severe nausea and vomiting, which does not bring relief. In severe cases, dehydration occurs. Treatment of such manifestations is often carried out within the walls of a hospital. The patient's stomach is washed and sorbents are prescribed that remove the remaining active substance from the body. Drinking plenty of fluids is also recommended. In case of repeated vomiting, rehydration therapy is prescribed.

How much does the instructions for use recommend using the drug "Amoxicillin" (capsules)? Children should be treated with this drug for at least 5 days. Typically, an improvement in the patient's condition is noted after 2-3 days of regular use. At the same time, parents mistakenly believe that the child is completely healthy. To avoid giving their child antibiotics again, mothers and fathers stop taking the medication on their own. Thus, they make an irreparable mistake. After all, the remaining microorganisms develop resistance. Subsequently, these strains secrete a certain enzyme - penicillinase. Amoxicillin-based products are powerless against them.

Positive opinions

You already know how the instructions for children advise using the drug Amoxicillin. Reviews about this drug are mostly positive. If the remedy is chosen correctly and the microbes do not have resistance to it, then you will notice the effect of the treatment.

Parents of children who were prescribed amoxicillin-based medications say that already on the second day there was a noticeable improvement. The children's body temperature dropped to normal values. When treating bronchitis and pneumonia, the cough became less intrusive. The simultaneous use of bronchodilators contributed to the dilution of sputum and its soft separation from the walls. Colonies of bacteria stop multiplying under the influence of the drug "Amoxicillin" already in the first hours after use.

Consumers note another important advantage of the drug Amoxicillin 250. The instructions for use (for children) say that the suspension contains flavorings. Thanks to them, the medicine acquires a sweetish taste. It is very easy to give to a child. Children take antibiotics with pleasure and do not refuse treatment. The product also has an affordable price. A 100 ml suspension will cost you only 130 rubles. You can purchase tablets and capsules for 150-200 rubles, depending on the dosage.

Negative reviews

Some consumers have negative opinions about the antibiotic in dosages of 1000, 500 mg and Amoxicillin 250 mg. The instructions do not recommend giving such portions of the medicine to young children. After all, this is a lot for the kids. When prescribing the drug and choosing a single dose, the patient’s weight should be taken into account. Often doctors do not pay attention to it and prescribe an antibiotic according to age. But even at 5 years old a child can weigh only 17 kilograms. For such a patient, the pediatrician will prescribe the medicine 250 mg three times a day. But in fact, the child is entitled to only 340 milligrams per day. This portion is always divided into three doses. At one time, the baby should take no more than 114 milligrams of the active substance. If parents do not make their own calculations, there is a high risk of overdose. As a result, the child will begin to vomit and have diarrhea. All this is fraught with consequences.

Moms and dads often notice an increase in temperature after starting treatment. Parents interpret this symptom as a side effect. But doctors have their own opinion on this matter. Even some sources indicate that any antibiotic can cause fever in the first hours of use. After entering the human body, the active substance begins to actively destroy bacterial colonies. Poisoned microorganisms cause intoxication. Moreover, the more there are, the more severe the symptoms. Therefore, an initial increase in temperature does not mean that the antibiotic is not suitable. On the contrary, this sign indicates proper treatment.

Recommendations from experts

The most commonly prescribed dose of Amoxicillin is 250 (for children). Instructions are always included with the antibiotic. Doctors recommend reading it carefully before using the product. Despite the fact that the medication has few contraindications, special attention should be paid to this point. Pediatricians also recommend not to be lazy and independently calculate the daily dose of the active substance. After all, no parent would wish their child additional unpleasant symptoms associated with an overdose.

Doctors say that the drug Amoxicillin has a strong effect on the intestines. Therefore, digestive problems are often noted when taking it. They are manifested by diarrhea, loose stools, and a feeling of incomplete bowel movement. The medicine may increase flatulence and cause abdominal pain. To eliminate all these symptoms, as well as to improve immunity, it is recommended to take probiotics and prebiotics.

If within 2-3 days after the start of treatment the child does not show improvement, then you should contact the pediatrician again. This fact suggests that the antibiotic was chosen incorrectly. Even with long-term use, the drug will not be able to cope with the pathology. It needs to be replaced.


Antibiotics are widely used in pediatrics. But they should not be used for a common cold. A few decades ago, the drug Amoxicillin was prescribed for preventive purposes. This therapy has proven futile. The remedy not only did not speed up recovery. It disrupted the intestinal microflora and reduced the body's immune defense. Therefore, the antibiotic Amoxicillin should be prescribed by a specialist strictly according to indications. The first signs that such therapy is needed are cough, green snot, fever lasting more than 5 days, and so on. Health to you and your baby!

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

The drug amoxicillin

Release forms

Amoxicillin is available in the following forms:
1. Capsules 250 mg (16 pieces per package).
2. Capsules 500 mg (16 pieces per package).
3. Granules in a bottle (for preparing a suspension).

All forms of amoxicillin are taken orally; administration of this antibiotic in the form of injections (injections) is not provided.

Amoxicillin - instructions for use



  1. Allergic diseases (hay fever, bronchial asthma, allergy to penicillins);
  2. liver failure;
  3. Infectious mononucleosis;
  4. dysbacteriosis;
  5. lymphocytic leukemia;
  6. breastfeeding a baby.

Side effects

1. Allergic reactions (allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, urticaria; in rare cases, more severe manifestations of allergies, up to anaphylactic shock).
2. Negative effects on the digestive organs (dysbiosis; nausea, vomiting, taste disturbance; stomatitis, glossitis; diarrhea, etc.).
3. Effect on the nervous system (insomnia, agitation, anxiety, depression, headaches, dizziness, convulsions).

Side effects of amoxicillin, especially reactions from the nervous system, are quite rare.

Treatment with amoxicillin

Amoxicillin dosage
The usual dosage of amoxicillin for adults and children over 12 years of age (weighing more than 40 kg) is 500 mg 3 times a day. But in each specific case, the dose is determined by the doctor, and if necessary (in case of severe illnesses) it can be increased to 750-1000 mg 3 times a day, and even more. The maximum permissible daily dose for adults is 6 g.

For some diseases, a non-standard dosage of amoxicillin is used. For example, for acute gonorrhea, men are prescribed 3 g of the drug once; For women, the same dose is prescribed twice. For typhoid fever, amoxicillin is used in high dosages: 1.5-2 g 3 times a day. For leptospirosis, high doses of the drug are also used: 500-750 mg 4 times a day.

After the disappearance of external signs of any disease, treatment with amoxicillin continues for another 2-3 days to avoid recurrence of the infection. On average, the course of treatment ranges from 5 to 12 days.

Instructions for use of amoxicillin for children

Amoxicillin suspension



  1. Individual intolerance to the drug;
  2. allergic diathesis and other allergic diseases;
  3. intestinal dysbiosis;
  4. Infectious mononucleosis;
  5. lymphocytic leukemia;
  6. severe liver diseases.

Amoxicillin dosage for children

Amoxicillin, like any other antibiotic, should only be prescribed to children by a doctor. He also prescribes a dose of the drug, depending on the age and weight of the child, and the severity of the disease.

The average dosage of amoxicillin for children is as follows:
1. Children under 2 years old – 20 mg/kg body weight/day. This dose is divided into 3 doses.
2. Children 2-5 years old - 125 mg (i.e. 1/2 scoop of suspension) 3 times a day.
3. Children 5-10 years old – 250 mg (1 scoop of suspension) 3 times a day.

For newborns and premature babies, the doctor prescribes amoxicillin strictly individually, in a small dosage, with extended intervals between doses of the drug.

Amoxicillin during pregnancy

Women during pregnancy are prescribed amoxicillin only if the expected benefit of this medication for the mother outweighs the potential for harm to the fetus. Although there have been no documented cases of amoxicillin having a negative effect on the course of pregnancy and childbirth, no qualified studies have been conducted on this topic. Therefore, doctors prefer not to take risks.

And during breastfeeding, amoxicillin is contraindicated for the mother: it passes into breast milk and can cause allergic reactions in the baby or disruption of the intestinal microflora.

Amoxicillin for sore throat

For purulent forms of tonsillitis (follicular and lacunar), amoxicillin is often prescribed as an effective drug with few side effects. The effectiveness of amoxicillin for angina is due to the fact that this disease is most often caused by staphylococcus, a microbe that is sensitive to the effects of this antibiotic.

Although for other diseases amoxicillin is prescribed to the patient regardless of meals, for sore throat this drug should be taken after meals to prolong its direct effect on the inflamed tonsils.
More about sore throat

Amoxicillin and alcohol

Amoxicillin + clavulanic acid (Amoxiclav)

There is a drug in which amoxicillin is combined with clavulanic acid. This drug is called amoxicillin clavulanate , or Amoxiclav , or Augmentin . We remember that amoxicillin is not stable enough in the human body due to the action of the penicillinase enzyme. Clavulanic acid has the property of blocking this enzyme, so amoxicillin is not destroyed and acts on harmful bacteria longer than usual. Amoxiclav is rightfully considered a stronger drug than amoxicillin.
Indications for use of Amoxiclav:

  1. Bacterial infections of the lower respiratory tract (pneumonia, bronchitis, lung abscess, pleural empyema).
  2. Infections of the ear, nose and throat (otitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis).
  3. Infections of the urinary and genital organs (pyelonephritis, pyelitis, prostatitis, salpingitis, ovarian abscess, endometritis, postpartum sepsis, septic abortion, gonorrhea, chancroid, etc.).
  4. Skin and soft tissue infections (abscess, cellulitis, erysipelas, infected wounds).
  5. Osteomyelitis.
  6. Postoperative infections and their prevention.

Amoxiclav release forms:
1. Tablets of 375 mg and 625 mg (amoxicillin content is indicated in mg).
2. Powder for preparing a suspension with drug concentrations of 156 mg/5 ml and 312 mg/5 ml.
3. Powder for inhalation 600 mg per package, and 1.2 g per package.

Dosage of Amoxiclav is calculated based on amoxicillin, since this antibiotic is the active ingredient in the drug.
More about Amoxiclav



Almost all reviews available on the Internet about the antibiotic amoxicillin are positive. Patients note the rapid effect of taking the drug, ease of use (administration does not depend on the time of eating), complete recovery from existing diseases at the end of the course of treatment.

A small percentage of negative reviews in which patients complain that the drug “didn’t help” is due to the fact that amoxicillin, although it is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, is not omnipotent, and not all bacteria are sensitive to its action. Therefore, before prescribing this antibiotic, it is recommended to conduct an examination of the patient: isolate the causative agent of the disease and check its sensitivity to the drug. But these studies require quite a long time, and are usually carried out in stationary conditions. In practice, the doctor, trying to alleviate the patient’s condition, prescribes treatment without examination, partly “at random,” and sometimes makes mistakes. Patients consider the lack of effect from treatment to be a drawback of the drug - this opinion is incorrect.

Where to buy amoxicillin?

Amoxicillin is not an expensive drug. Its price in capsules, depending on the dosage, ranges from 37 to 99 rubles.

The price of granules for preparing amoxicillin suspension in different pharmacies ranges from 89 to 143 rubles.

Prices in online pharmacies:

Amoxicillin is a penicillin antibiotic that is used to treat a wide variety of bacterial infections.

Release form and composition

Today, the following forms of release of the drug exist:

  1. Pills. One tablet contains 250 or 500 mg of amoxicillin trihydrate;
  2. Capsules. One capsule contains 250 or 500 mg of active substance;
  3. Suspension for oral use. 5 ml of suspension contains 125 mg of amoxicillin;
  4. Solution for oral use. In 1 ml of solution – 100 mg of active substance;
  5. Dry substance for injection.

Indications for use of Amoxicillin

According to the instructions, Amoxicillin is effective against pathogens that cause the following diseases:

  1. Bronchitis, pneumonia;
  2. Pharyngitis, sinusitis, acute otitis media, tonsillitis;
  3. Cystitis, pyelitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, endometritis, gonorrhea, cervicitis;
  4. Cholecystitis, cholangitis, peritonitis;
  5. Impetigo, erysipelas, secondary infected dermatoses;
  6. Lyme disease;
  7. Listeriosis, leptospirosis;
  8. Salmonellosis;
  9. Dysentery;
  10. Meningitis;
  11. Sepsis;
  12. Endocarditis (prophylaxis).


The use of Amoxicillin is prohibited in case of hypersensitivity of the patient to penicillins and infectious mononucleosis.

The drug is prescribed with caution to persons with a predisposition to allergies. In patients with hypersensitivity to penicillin antibiotics, cross-allergic reactions with cephalosporin antibiotics are possible.

During pregnancy, Amoxicillin is used according to indications, taking into account the expected effect for the expectant mother and the potential risk to the fetus. Breastfeeding should be stopped during the period of treatment, since the antibiotic penetrates into breast milk and can cause an allergy or disruption of the intestinal microflora in the infant.

Directions for use and dosage of Amoxicillin

The drug is taken orally, regardless of food intake. The dosage and duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

According to the instructions, Amoxicillin is prescribed in the following doses:

  1. Adults – 500 mg three times a day. If the disease is severe, the recommended dose is doubled;
  2. Children from 5 to 10 years old – 250 mg of the drug three times a day;
  3. Children from 2 to 5 years old - 125 mg of amoxicillin three times a day;
  4. Children under 2 years old – 20 mg per kg of child’s body weight. The calculated dose is divided into 3 doses.

For children under 10 years of age, Amoxicillin is prescribed in the form of a suspension (suspension).

The duration of treatment ranges from 5 to 12 days. The interval between two doses of the drug is 8 hours.

Side effects of Amoxicillin

When using Amoxicillin, the following adverse reactions are possible:

  1. From the gastrointestinal tract: nausea and vomiting, changes in taste, dysbacteriosis, stomatitis, glossitis, diarrhea, pseudomembranous enterocolitis, impaired liver function;
  2. From the nervous system: ataxia, depression, confusion, anxiety, agitation, insomnia, behavior changes, dizziness, headache, peripheral neuropathy, convulsions;
  3. Allergic reactions: erythema, urticaria, skin hyperemia, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, angioedema; rarely – joint pain, fever, exfoliative dermatitis, Stevens-Johnson syndrome; very rarely - anaphylactic shock;
  4. Laboratory indicators: anemia, neutropenia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenic purpura;
  5. Other adverse reactions: tachycardia, difficulty breathing, vaginal candidiasis, interstitial nephritis, superinfection (especially in persons with reduced resistance or chronic diseases).

Symptoms of an overdose of Amoxicillin are nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, leading to disturbances in water and electrolyte balance. Treatment consists of gastric lavage, saline laxatives and activated carbon, and correction of water and electrolyte balance.

special instructions

The use of Amoxicillin and other antibiotics is ineffective in the treatment of influenza and ARVI.

For severe gastrointestinal infections that are accompanied by persistent vomiting or diarrhea, the drug should not be administered orally due to possible poor absorption.

Particular care should be taken when treating patients with bronchial asthma, allergic diathesis, gastrointestinal diseases and a history of hay fever with this antibiotic.

With long-term use of Amoxicillin, it is recommended to simultaneously prescribe levorin, nystatin or any other antifungal drugs.

With prolonged treatment, especially when using high doses, it is necessary to monitor the peripheral blood picture and indicators of kidney and liver function, as well as perform a general urine test.

Adequate drinking regimen and maintaining a sufficient volume of urine throughout the day should be ensured.

If you experience abdominal pain, watery stool with blood and mucus, fever and painful false urge to defecate, pseudomembranous colitis should be suspected. In this case, Amoxicillin must be discontinued and appropriate medical therapy prescribed. The use of drugs that slow down intestinal motility is contraindicated.

Amoxicillin analogues

Analogues of the drug containing amoxicillin as the active ingredient are the following drugs:

  1. Amoxillat (Germany);
  2. Amosin (Russia);
  3. Apo-Amoxi (Canada);
  4. Amoxisar (Russia);
  5. Gonoform (Austria);
  6. Bactox (France);
  7. Grunamox (Germany);
  8. Thaysil (Bangladesh);
  9. Ospamox (Austria);
  10. Danemox (India);
  11. Hikontsil (Slovenia);
  12. Ecoball (Russia);
  13. Flemoxin Solutab (Netherlands);
  14. E-Mox (Egypt).

Terms and conditions of storage

Amoxicillin, according to the instructions, should be stored at room temperature in a dry place, protected from light, out of reach of children.

The prepared suspension is stored for 14 days at a temperature of 15-25 ° C.

The shelf life of the drug is 2 years, after which it must be disposed of.

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