
Amplital: description, indications for use, contraindications and side effects

Amplital (international name - ampicillin) is an antibiotic of the penicillin group, produced in Italy by the pharmaceutical group Carlo Erba Farmitalia. It is widely used to treat various infectious and inflammatory diseases caused by bacteria, such as pneumonia, bronchitis, sinusitis, otitis media, peritonitis, sepsis, endocarditis, kidney and urinary tract infections, cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, gonorrhea, biliary system infections, whooping cough, listeriosis, typhoid and paratyphoid fever, skin and soft tissue infections, musculoskeletal infections, meningitis.

Amplital is presented in the form of capsules containing 500 mg of the active substance - ampicillin. It is synonymous with such drugs as Ampiside, Ampic, Ampirex, Ampicillin Innotek, Ampicillin trihydrate, Ampicillin-AKOS, Ampicillin-Akos, Ampicillin-Teva, Ampicillin sodium salt, Ampicillin sodium salt sterile, Ampicillin trihydrate, Apo-Ampi, Decapen, Zetsil, Kamptitsi.

Before using Amplital, contraindications must be taken into account. It is not recommended for hypersensitivity to other penicillins, cephalosporins, carbapenems, or for severe liver dysfunction. During treatment with the drug, it is necessary to stop breastfeeding.

The use of Amplital can cause various side effects, such as dyspeptic symptoms, dysbacteriosis, superinfections caused by resistant strains, and allergic reactions. Interaction with other medications is also possible. For example, Amplital can reduce the effect of oral contraceptives, and increase the effect of anticoagulants and aminoglycoside antibiotics. When using Allopurinol, an increase in the appearance of skin rashes is possible.

In case of overdose of Amplital, toxic effects on the central nervous system may occur, especially in patients with renal failure. Treatment in this case should be symptomatic.

In addition, with long-term treatment with Amplital in weakened patients