Anabolic C. Non-steroidal

Anabolic steroids such as testosterone and its derivatives have been widely used in sports and bodybuilding to increase muscle mass and strength. However, due to their potentially dangerous side effects, such as an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, hormonal imbalances and other health problems, these drugs are banned in most countries around the world.

In this regard, in recent years, more and more attention has been paid to finding alternative ways to increase muscle mass and improve physical fitness without the use of anabolic steroids. One of these alternatives is anabolic S. Non-steroidal - A. S., in chemical structure not related to steroids.

An example of such substances is potassium orotate, which was originally developed to treat cardiovascular diseases, but was later discovered to have potential for increasing muscle mass and improving fitness. Potassium orotate improves protein synthesis in muscles and increases their endurance, so athletes can train more intensely and for longer.

Another example of A. s. is creatine, which is a natural component of muscle tissue. Creatine increases muscle endurance and improves muscle recovery after exercise, allowing athletes to train more efficiently.

However, as in the case of anabolic steroids, the use of A. s. may have some side effects such as high blood pressure, digestive problems and others. Therefore, before you start using A.S., you need to consult with your doctor and sports medicine specialist.

In conclusion, anabolic S. Non-steroidal - A. S., chemical structure not related to steroids, represent an alternative to anabolic steroids in increasing muscle mass and improving physical fitness. However, as with any substance used to enhance athletic performance, caution should be exercised and consultation with a physician and sports medicine specialist should be sought.

Anabolic steroid

Anabolic drugs are prescribed to accelerate metabolism and mobilize carbohydrate and fat reserves, which promotes weight gain.

**Sinestrol** Prescribed mainly to men and women suffering from delayed puberty in girls and amenorrhea, as well as in the postoperative period with impaired bone growth. The drug is administered in the form of an oil solution intramuscularly at 0.0032–0.0125 g 6 times a day 30–60 minutes before meals for 6–8 weeks. For men, the initial dose is 0.5 ml 2 times a day. The recommended therapeutic dose for girls is 0.1 ml/year, for boys - 0.2 ml/1 year of life. After surgery for poor bone resorption, the initial therapeutic dose is 5.0 ml with the introduction of 0.167 mg/kg body weight per day; after 2–3 days the dose is increased to 1.0 mg per day. If the pituitary gland is insufficient, it is stimulated with daily doses of anterior lobe hormones. For this purpose, subcutaneous injections of lutein are performed at a dose of 0.6–2.0 mcg per day (1–4 IU) daily.

It is also used before a proposed operation to increase the size of the facial skeleton and strengthen the muscles of the lower jaw; the drug is administered intramuscularly at a dose of 15–33 mcg daily for a week. In trichology for newborns with severe baldness, newborns are added to creams, gels, shampoos orally in the form of a spray, three injections 2-3 times a week. Prescribed for weak labor during childbirth. To stimulate milk production and lactation, lactating women are prescribed a daily dose of lutein