
Anacidita-se is a unique phenomenon in the world of dentistry, which manifests itself in the form of dental hypersensitivity to certain substances. This disease is characterized by inflammation of the gums and teeth, caused by a reaction to irritants in foods or drinks. In this article we will talk about the main symptoms of this disease, the causes of its occurrence and methods of treatment.

Symptoms of Anaciditas Anacidita is one of the most common dental diseases in the world. Its symptoms can manifest itself in the form of pain in the gums, tooth sensitivity when eating and drinking, as well as the appearance of an inflammatory reaction in the oral mucosa. Some patients may experience a bad taste in the mouth and bad breath. Symptoms of anecytitis can be very different and depend on the severity of the disease and its form.

Causes of Anaciditis The main causes of aneciditis in the oral cavity are microbes. These are bacteria that can exist in the mouths of healthy people, but under certain conditions they begin to actively develop. These conditions may be associated with impaired immunity, hormonal changes in the body, poor diet, etc. Once in the oral cavity, microbes begin to release toxins that destroy healthy tooth and gum tissue. The result can be irritation and inflammation. In some cases, the cause of anecia in the oral cavity may be a deficiency of microelements. For example, if the body does not receive enough calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and other minerals, this can lead to decreased immunity and the development of anecia in the oral cavity. Diseases of internal organs. Aneciota is a symptom of various diseases of the internal systems of the body. For example, anecium can occur in diabetes, thyroid pathologies, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and many other diseases. Understanding the causes of anecide is important to determine a treatment plan and prevent recurrence of the disease.