Anal Fissure (Anal Fissure)

Anal Fissure (Anal Fissure): causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

An anal fissure, also known as an anal fissure, is a longitudinal slit-like ulcer of the mucous membrane of the anal canal, which is often located along the posterior wall. This condition usually causes severe pain and discomfort in the anus, and may also be accompanied by the discharge of drops of scarlet blood. In this article we will look at the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of anal fissure.


The main cause of anal fissure is rupture of the mucous membrane of the anal canal during defecation in patients suffering from constipation and various forms of colitis. Pain leads to spasm of the internal sphincter, disrupting tissue trophism in the area of ​​the crack, causing repeated trauma during bowel movements and preventing healing. As a result, the crack turns into a chronic one, not prone to healing due to callus of its edges.


The most basic symptom of anal fissure is constant burning pain in the anus, which intensifies during bowel movements and while sitting. In addition, drops of scarlet blood may be observed.


The diagnosis of anal fissure is usually made on the basis of the patient’s characteristic complaints, as well as visual and palpation detection of the fissure when spreading the edges of the anus. Differential diagnosis is carried out with a tumor, sexually transmitted diseases and incomplete internal fistula of the rectum.


Treatment of anal fissure in the early stages is usually conservative. Includes rest, a laxative diet, suppositories with painkillers and antispastic agents, mild laxatives and counter enemas, warm sitz baths. After 1.5-2 months, an untreated crack turns into a chronic one and is subject to surgical treatment.


The prognosis for anal fissure is favorable with timely and persistent treatment. However, if treatment is not carried out on time, the crack may become chronic and require surgical intervention. Therefore, if symptoms of anal fissure appear, it is necessary to consult a doctor for diagnosis and prescribing appropriate treatment.