
Otomycosis is a disease caused by the development of various types of mold fungi on the walls of the external auditory canal (sometimes on the eardrum). This is facilitated by a humid environment, previous purulent otitis media, prolonged irrational use of antibiotics, etc.

Symptoms and course:

  1. Pain, itching in the ear canal, increased sensitivity of the skin of the ear canal and pinna, headache on the side of the affected ear, noise in the ear, feeling of fullness and stuffiness in the ear.
  2. When examining the ear, the auditory canal is narrowed along its entire length, its walls are macerated and hyperemic (less than with bacterial otitis).
  3. The discharge of the ear canal is in most cases moderate, can have different colors (gray-black, black-brown, yellowish or greenish) and depends on the type of fungus that caused the disease; it is usually odorless.
  4. The tympanic membrane in most patients is hyperemic, infiltrated, with unclear identification points. Sometimes a hole in the eardrum is visible (the result of a fungal infection only, without involvement of the middle ear).
  5. In rare cases, the pathological process can spread beyond the external auditory canal and even the outer ear (skin of the face, neck).
  6. After clinical recovery, relapses of the disease may occur.

The diagnosis is established on the basis of otoscopy and mycological examination of the discharge of the external auditory canal. Differential diagnosis must be made with candidiasis (infestation by yeast fungi) and dermatitis of the outer ear of another etiology.

Treatment is strictly individual, taking into account the general condition of the patient, the particular clinical picture of the disease and the type of fungus. A good effect is obtained by prescribing topical antifungal drugs: grisemin, lutenurin or nystatin emulsions, as well as alcohol solutions of flavofungin, fungifen or quinosol. According to indications, desensitizing treatment is carried out.

The prognosis with timely diagnosis and intensive antifungal therapy is usually favorable.

Otomycoses are infectious diseases of the ears that are caused by fungi. They can occur regardless of a person’s age, but most often they affect older people, as well as those suffering from concomitant diseases.

1. Otomiko incubation period