One Guess

Guessing games are good in any case. If you have to wait for a long time while in one place, try playing this way: invite your child to choose an object that he sees in the room. When asking questions about this object (or person), you must guess what it is. For example: Is it something very big? Is it something very small? Can I hold this in my hands? Is it hanging on the wall? Is it green? Be sure to ask in such a way that you can only answer with yes or no.

The number of questions is not limited, but you can try to guess what object it is and name it only once. After the child says whether you guessed right or not, it’s your turn to make a guess, and his turn to ask questions. If you want the game to last for a long time, start with more general questions and gradually move on to specific ones.

Surely the child will get great pleasure if he manages to puzzle you.

Advice for those who are waiting

The time you spend waiting can be used to teach your child to sit quietly and calmly. If the place you are in is not very noisy, try learning a few relaxation techniques.

You can first listen to your breathing and then gently try to slow it down. Or start relaxing your leg muscles and then move on to other parts of your body. You must concentrate and try to feel the zone of calm expanding around you.

Do not think that you will be able to do this easily, and in no case should you be annoyed if your condition is disturbed by a child’s question. The learning process takes time and is best stimulated by reward rather than punishment.