Chapter 2 Insulin The Insulin Factory

Chapter 2

Insulin Insulin Factory

Behind the Stomach in humans there is a very important and unusual organ. Everything about it is unusual: the name, the location, and the horseshoe shape. The horseshoe has long been considered a symbol of prosperity and happiness. Indeed, our life and, importantly, its quality depend on this organ. Probably many guessed that the author meant the pancreas.

The digestive juices it produces take a major part in the processes of food digestion. This means that during every meal, be it lunch or a snack, the pancreas secretes a portion of its juice, which helps break down our food into molecules. However, the main advantage of the pancreas is that it is the only one of all organs that produces insulin. In other words, it is a monopolist in its production.

In addition to insulin, the pancreas also produces other hormones. True, in comparison with insulin, in much smaller quantities. They also exist to help maintain normal blood sugar levels.