Lennaya Bath

Linen bath

Over the years, it is easy to forget how pleasant it can sometimes be to stretch out in a warm bath, drowning in the foam caressing your body and even remembering some cute scene from a film of the forties. Children can be a great way to help us remember this.

Pick an evening when you need to relax. Reward each other with a bubble bath. You can do this together or, after sending your baby to bed, enjoy it alone.

If you catch yourself thinking: “I don’t have time for such nonsense,” repeat after us: “How bad it would be if life consisted only of work and there were no pleasures in it at all.”

This advice, by the way, is useful both for very busy and tired dads and for moms who are always in a hurry to get somewhere. Allow yourself to slow down sometimes and just enjoy a moment of relaxed peace in a warm bubble bath. This will help you regain your strength and restore your peace of mind.