
The topic of conversation in the article “Anashism” evokes certain feelings in many people. Although I cannot understand them, I can try to describe what they are. But before moving on to the description of the term itself, let us dwell on the concepts of “hashishism” and “anaschism”.

“Hashishism” is a cross between alcoholism and drug addiction. This disease affects people who consume hashish, which includes psychedelics. This disease is characterized by temporary states of insensibility and euphoria. It is noteworthy that a number of narcologists believe that “hashashikism” is a kind of exception for those who inject drugs. These people tend to endure for a long time and can only get relief after a year. Hashish provides relief from the symptoms of hashishinol due to its hallucinatory activity. In addition, it can stimulate mental activity and cause euphoria.

And “anaschism” is a specific technique in the treatment of nicotine addiction, aimed at overcoming physical withdrawal in patients who are trying to quit smoking. With this approach, it is believed that the narcotic properties of tobacco products only need to be eliminated, and then the body restores the functions that they previously performed, so the transition from smoking to other activities should be as natural and safe as possible. To do this, with the help of an active smoker, certain activities are carried out, for example, studying active activities or sports training.

Using all these approaches in his works, the author tries to help people find their way in life. She talks about how the world is filled with love, sincere feelings and true friends who are always ready