Anatomy Pathological

Pathological anatomy is a field of medical science that studies changes in the structure and functioning of organs and tissues caused by various diseases. It is also known as pathological morphology and pathomorphology.

The main task of pathological anatomy is to identify and describe changes occurring in the body as a result of pathological processes. This allows you to determine the stage of the disease, its prognosis and choose the most effective treatment method.

The study of pathological anatomy begins with the analysis of biopsy specimens, which can be obtained during biopsy of organs and tissues. Biopsies are examined under a microscope, which makes it possible to identify changes in cells and tissues at the molecular level.

The main methods of analysis in pathological anatomy include microscopic examination of biopsy specimens, X-ray studies, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound and other methods.

Pathological anatomy is of great importance for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Thanks to it, you can establish an accurate diagnosis and choose the most effective treatment method. It is also an important component of medical education, as it allows us to understand the mechanisms of disease development and their consequences for the body.

In conclusion, pathological anatomy is an important branch of medical science that studies changes in the structure and functioning of organs and tissues caused by diseases. It helps determine the stage of the disease, its prognosis and choose the most effective treatment method. The study of pathological anatomy is of great importance for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, as well as for understanding the mechanisms of development of diseases and their consequences for the body.

Pathological anatomy is a branch of medicine that studies changes in human tissues and organs that occur as a result of various diseases or injuries. It plays an important role in the diagnosis of many diseases and can also help in the development of new methods of treatment and prevention. In this article we will look at the basic concepts