Anatomy of the female breast

We say: the female breast is an organ created for the purpose of producing milk, so that the newborn can feed on it from his very birth until he becomes stronger and his strength increases and he becomes able to digest solid and dense food. The female breast is a body composed of veins, arteries and nerves, the spaces between which are filled with insensitive white glandular meat. Because of its whiteness, the blood that nourishes a woman's breasts, similar to it, becomes white, and the substance released from the breasts is also white. The relationship of the female breast to the milk born from it is similar to the relationship of the liver and the blood born from the chyme, since both organs transform the liquid into something similar to itself in nature and color: the liver gives white chyme the color of red blood, and the female breast gives red blood whiteness of milk. Veins, arteries and nerves, scattered in the substance of the female breast, branch into fibrous parts and form numerous plexuses and circles; As for the common vessels of the female breast and uterus, which intertwine between them, you have already learned about this circumstance from the anatomy of blood vessels.