
In the modern world, the problem of lack of energy is relevant for many people. When we talk about “energy,” we mean the desire to act. We have a desire to do something. We work when we need to work and rest when we can rest. But sometimes we don't have this desire. We don't want to do anything. Fatigue, laziness, apathy and reluctance to do anything are all signs of insufficient energy.

Energy can manifest itself in different forms: physical, mental, emotional, etc. For example, if a person only has the energy for physical work, he may feel weak and tired despite getting enough sleep and good nutrition. If he spends more mental energy than he needs, then we may face stress and depression. And if he has enough energy for the emotional sphere, then he can easily and quickly become irritable and aggressive.

The reasons for the lack of energy can be different: physiological characteristics, such as the body’s inability to release the necessary energy depending on how much it needs for our full functioning. From a medical point of view, it can be noted that problems associated with a lack of strength and energy that can arise in old age. In such cases, it becomes especially important to use modern treatment methods, when medicine, along with therapeutic agents, actively uses the possibilities of alternative medicine. An example is the invention developed by the Italian company ValentinoGroup - the Aging Lab cellular remodeling procedure.